First National Preventive Health Research Programme  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms   SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques   Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans

Second National Preventive Health Research Programme

First BTAAP Business Plan      Bohémian Teenagers Show Choir Programme        Defined Terms BTSCP

Second BTAAP Business Plan    Bohémian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme    Defined Terms - Bohémian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme

Third BTAAP Business Plan    Bohémian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme        Defined Terms BTB&MDCP

Seven Assistant Artistic Director Attributes means an artistic director who  -

(i)         possesses a patent infectious enthusiasm for Ballet and Modern Dance and a passion to energise others to similarly enjoy Ballet and Modern Dance;

(ii)        has acquired artistic director and choreography experience from instructing Ballet and Modern Dance students with a dance group(s) or company(s) for at least ten years, in a voluntary or remunerated role, with a track record of successful assistance -

  • knowledge of Ballet and Modern Dance.

  • Possesses visual and creative abilities.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong organizational skills and team working skills.
  • Perseverance and stamina.
  • Knowledge of different dance techniques.
  • Willing to learn to retain the steps and routines for each character.
  • Keen to use gestures to shape the music being played, communicate desired tempo, pitch, volume, and other performance aspects to assist each student's rhythm, confidence and progression
  • Willingness to teach and motivate students quickly.
  • Willingness to ensure that all choreography, costuming, makeup, and props are in order for each performance.
  • Willingness to confer with students, parents, and also in some instances counsellors, to resolve students problems/issues which are impacting their progress.

(iii)       enthusiasm and patients to assist reconstruct and polish dance choreography, technique, and execution of dance routines when glitches appear in the originally selected dance routine;

(iv)       has the patience and ability to work with less talented but enthusiastic teenagers, as well as those IMT Student Dancers with Disabilities

(v)        willingness to liaise with financial backers to resolve logistical issues;

(vi)       possesses many of the attributes of a Community Support Provider through having displayed a manifest Sense Of Community by having expended at least 8 years of giving to the local community in an unpaid capacity by selflessly and successfully motivating >50 other persons to the joys of Ballet and Modern Dance within a Local Community Common Bond Support Group; and

(vii)      has led by example through their own musical achievements - walked the talk by having performed at a high level and possesses Talk The Walk Motivational Skills.