Defined Terms  YELP Holistic First Business Plan    SWOT Analysis   Executive Summary   Deliverables And Costs   Snapshot Page To Benchmark Techniques

Target Age Groups for Rigorous and MREAs means aged -

*          36 to 50  70% of Interested Adults selecting one of 9 RREAs;

*          36 to 50  30% of Interested Adults selecting one of 6 MREAs;

*          51 to 65  60% of Interested Adults selecting one of 9 RREAs; and

*          51 to 65  40% of Interested Adults selecting one of 6 MREAs.


Review of the age of the Resolute Diehards that the Business Plan Developer cycles with, indicates that age is a minor determinant of whether Interested Adults opt for a -

(a)        Rigorous Recreational Exercise Activity(ies); or

(b)        Moderate Recreational Exercise Activity(ies), or some of both.


However, for the purpose of feeding base Demographic case data into the Return On YELP Capex Software to forecast the Economic Return On YELP Capex from Propagating YELP to 75,000 additional Participants by end-2015, the above target age groups and take-up between RREAs and MREAs are proposed.