Muggaccinos.com The Bullsheet
Sunday, 22 Feb '09, Brunch at Pearl Beach - Old Rattler home
from Woy Woy. * between 7:10 and 7:20am from Nth Turramurra carpark - 98km - ETR 2:24pm; or * between 7:50am and 8:00am from Hornsby carpark - 86km - ETR 2:04pm; or * between 8:05am and 8:15am from Berowra - 75km - ETR 1:53pm
Or cycle from Hornsby to Gnostic Marna Cafe, Woy Woy Cafe and return - 172km. All cyclists should target arriving at Mt White Road Warriors Café 1st Sag Stop at 9:30am. If you are slow start early. If ya fast, start by above times final start times.
Ride Organiser:
Phil Johnston 9114.6689
hm or
0434 715.861
is starting from Nth Turra' Ř Click on: Risk Management which warns of the dangers of cycling on public roads with motor cars, potholes and over bridges with vertical timber planks with gaps Ř Maintain your membership of Bicycle NSW for $20m Public Liability cover, in case you cause a nasty accident and seriously injure a cyclist, or 3rd party, who sues your arse to empty your pockets Ř Cycling with Muggs is predicated upon notifying Bank Teller if you materially disagree with any clause(s) in Muggaccinos' "Ride Participants Liability Acknowledgment"