Tues 13th Nov 2007 - 49km  -  2 KOM Climbs
Bombaderry to Kangaroo Valley - climbing both sides of Camberwarra Mountain, return via Tourist Rd to Berry

Pelvis, Brenda aka Welsh Widget and Publican en route Sth to Bombaderry

After an onerous 10 min train trip to Bombaderry, we found caffeine respite in a nearby Bakery whilst Publican fixed a dubious tyre.

Start of the KOM Climb up Cambewarra Mountain from Bombaderry

Some beaut GutBuster pics above 'n below where Publican wins the Tummy-In pic above and shots the below snap


As Harry aka KayakMan aptly put it when posing for this snap at the KOM peak of Camberwarra Mtn with Laurence aka Tyro, "The young & the old of it!!!"