Defined Terms

Sadistic, Brutal, Heinous, Often Unprovoked Crimes  or  Crimes That Warrant The Death Penalty means for -

A.         homicides that will occur in the future of the nature, sadism and intensity committed by the 35 circa inmates named in Most Heinous Of Convicted Murderers, Terrorists, Serial Rapists, Paedophiles and Child Killers not limited to a rape murder/s, torture murder/s and execution-style killings of one or multiple innocent people;

B.         Femicide and Filicide;

C.         Paedophilia - involving child penetration

D.         Serial Rapists

E.         terrorist murders, or attempted terrorist murders, of Australian citizens usually by extremist Middle Eastern gangs, including suicide bombers;

F.         Vehicle-Ramming Attacks such as at Flinders St Station, Melb. on Friday, 22 Dec 2017 and Bourke Street Mall in January 2017 whereupon James Gargasoulas was sentenced to life in prison for killing six people and seriously injuring many of 27 others when he drove his car through pedestrians; and

G.         Drug Lords that profit from the misery and death of others.


Below are extracts from Motor vehicles are the terrorist's new weapon of choice, experts say - SMH - 23 March 2017:

"Wednesday's attack in London is the fifth high-profile urban attack in eight months by an assailant who used a vehicle as a deadly weapon, and comes two months and three days after Melbourne experienced the same horror.

There is a fast-growing list of cities that have suffered a vehicle-ramming attack.

In Nice on Bastille Day last year, a terrorist drove a truck into a crowd and killed 86 revellers.

In Berlin in December a man rammed a vehicle into a market, killing 12.

In Melbourne in January 2017, six people were mown down and killed in Bourke Street Mall, in an attack police have said was not an act of terrorism.

In London, five are dead, including the attacker and a police officer, and at least 40 were injured, when the assailant drove a car into a group of people on Westminster Bridge."


