Thirty Two Questions and Supporting Evidence    Submission Letter to Royal Commission April-2018   Defined Terms & Documents  

17(a)th Question

Will the Royal Commission ask the Chairman of the ACCC, Mr. Rod Sims, to examine the information regarding advertisements for Credit Cards (explained in the Nine Examples within Labyrinth of Concealed Spiders), with particular regard to obligations under the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Home Loans and Credit Cards) Act 2011, to determine if any represent Predatory Advertisingipso facto Unconscionable Conduct based in the ACCC's description of Unconscionable Conduct?


Supporting Documented Evidence re 17(a)th Question

1.          ASIC is empowered to impose monetary penalties where Unconscionable Conduct is found to exist.

             The Royal Commission can recommend that the Council of Financial Regulators ban any marketing practices that the ACCC deems to be Unconscionable Conduct.

2.          Credit Card Issuers have since conjured up more Predatory Advertising to Target Credit Cardholders With Low Financial Literacy Capacity that continued unchecked by Two Of Australia's Three Financial Services Regulators.