2nd Letter to Hon. Nigel Scullion 12 May 15   Letter to Hon. Nigel Scullion 20 Feb 15   Defined Terms and Documents   'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

The U.S. President, Barack Obama, has enthused the US 'Private Sector' to resource/fund his My Brother’s Keeper initiative which he intends to retain direct involvement with after his tenure as US President

In February 2015, the U.S. President, Barack Obama, launched the My Brother’s Keeper initiative -

(A)       to bring together government, law enforcement, business, non-profit, philanthropic, faith, and community leaders around shared goals for young people in the USA.

(B)       to ensure that all youth, including boys and young men of color, have opportunities to improve their life outcomes and overcome barriers to success.


On 4 May 2015 in West Bronx, New York, President Obama announced that the My Brother’s Keeper initiative had been materially expanded by the 'Private Sector' accepting carriage for the My Brother's Keeper Alliance comprising a group of private-sector leaders and other prominent private citizens, led by Joe Echevarria (former CEO of Deloitte LLP) that have formed a new, independent non-profit - joined by a diverse range of philanthropic, community, and private-sector partners. 


Leaders of the 'Private Sector' Alliance are pledging to work to -

*        expand opportunity for youth,

*        strengthen the American workforce, and

*        fortify the economic stability of communities across America.


President Obama's address included:

            "But today, after months of great work on the part of a whole lot of people, we’re taking another step forward, with people from the private sector coming together in a big way.  We’re here for the launch of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, which is a new nonprofit organization of private sector organizations and companies that have committed themselves to continue the work of opening doors for young people -- all our young people -- long after I’ve left office. ...They’ve already announced $80 million in commitments to make this happen, and that is just the beginning.... "And this will remain a mission for me and for Michelle not just for the rest of my presidency, but for the rest of my life. "

Above is taken from:

1.       President Obama Announces the My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge

2.       Expanding Opportunity Works - Brodrick Johnson - Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary; Chair of the My Brother’s Keeper Task Force

3.       Remarks by the President at Launch of the My Brother's Keeper Alliance

None of the explicit programmes within the My Brother’s Keeper initiative, and its associated 'Private Sector' funding/resourcing vehicle, My Brother's Keeper Alliance, draw upon the highly cost-effective Motivational Incentive Of RTV under structured Social Inclusion Programmes that are each Funded and Administered by separate assemblies of Ten Corporate Sponsors under a dedicated Philanthropic Service Movement such as -

*          'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Early Intervention Programme 

*          Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme

*          Bohémian Teenagers Arts Assistance Programme