Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Regional Township Team Cameraman means each Indigenous Local Connector will be provided with a digital camera (worth $400) to take high resonance still jpgs and short movies of his/her Regional Township Team whilst the Indigenous Local Connector trains his/her Regional Township Team for the  particular Motivational Teams Challenge, whereupon the Indigenous Local Connector or Township Team Captain will publish the still photos and short movies in the Regional Township Team Web Folder on the 'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills'  Website to Maximise Student Enthusiasm And Keep Other 'Various Parties' Informed Of Progress.

The 10 digital cameras @  $400, plus 5 additional digital cameras to cater for damage and loss = $6,000 is budgeted for in  Excel worksheet 'Local_Connector_cameras' in 'Life_Skills_Programme_Budget.xlsx' as part of  'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' Programme Budget Costs