Detailed Summary        Summary of Annexures         Defined Terms      

Research reports on Australians participation in sport and recreational exercise:
Below are 3 recent prominent research reports on Australians participation in sport and recreational exercise, covering both organised and non organised Participation:

(i)        2006 “Exercise, Recreation and Sport Survey (ERASS)” report prepared by ACNielsen which lists within in Exercise Recreation and Sport Survey questionnaire based on 164 different sporting and recreational activities which Australians (15 years and older, hereinafter a Sporting Participant) participate in.

(ii)       ABS 4177.0 Participation in Sports and Physical Recreation, Australia Adult Australians (15 years and over) 2006

(iii)      ABS  6285.0 - Involvement in Organised Sport and Physical Activity, Australia, Apr 2007 

Sweeney Market Research also prepares research reports on Australian sporting activity and leading Australian sportsman based for the advertising industry:

*        Sports Interest Ratings 2006 - 2007

*        Sports Interest - October 2006

ABS produced "Sport Data on Participation and Attendance: How do Results from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Sweeney Research Compare?" dated July 2001 due to material variances between results obtain between ABS and Sweeney Research.  The Sweeney estimates are of little value when seeking to estimate the number of Australian Sporting Teams.

Re (i) above:

ACNielsen interviewed 13,710 Australians aged 15 years and over (called respondents) to prepare the ASC 2006 ERASS which sets out empirical data under the following parameters for Australians aged 15 years or older.  The 2006 ERASS estimated there are 16,589,400 Australians aged 15 years and older (Table 5)

ACNielsen considered: 

·         frequency of participation in organised and non-organised physical activity for exercise, recreation and sport;

·         duration of participation in organised and non-organised physical activity for exercise, recreation and sport;

·         type of participation in physical activity for exercise, recreation and sport; and

·         trends in participation over time.

ACNeilsen did not include coaching or refereeing or being a spectator or activities related to work, household chores or gardening duties.
physical activity for exercise, recreation and sport is organised by a club, association, fitness centre or other type of organisation which has a legal entity.

Non-organised physical activity for exercise, recreation and sport is made up of Sporting Participants who -
I.    Exercise Alone; and
II.  exercise in Recreational Exercise Groups.