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Taskforce's Three Public Health Risks or Three Public Health Risks means -

*           Obesity; and

*           smoking tobacco and harmful consumption of alcohol due to Craving Harmful Habitual Stress Releases,

which bring on Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases and Other Personal, Social, Productivity and Environmental Costs.

The Australia: the healthiest country by 2020 - A discussion paper prepared by the National Preventive Health Taskforce reports the Three Public Health Risks costs the Australian economy the following:

*           Section 2.4  "The costs of Overweight and Obese" notes "The total financial cost of obesity in Australia in 2008, not including overweight, is estimated at $8.3 billion."

*           Section 3. "The case for prevention: tobacco" notes "Smoking resulted in an estimated 15,511 deaths in 2003 and cost the Australian community around $12 billion in tangible net costs in 2004–05.  Tobacco use is responsible for 12% of the total burden of disease and 20% of deaths in Indigenous Australians."

*           Executive Summary notes "The annual costs of harmful consumption of alcohol are huge. They consist of crime ($1.6 billion), health ($1.9 billion), productivity loss in the workplace ($3.5 billion), loss of productivity in the home ($1.5 billion) and road trauma ($2.2 billion).  In total, the overall cost to the health care system associated with these three risk factors (crime, health and trauma) is in the order of almost $6 billion dollars per year, while lost productivity is estimated to be almost $13 billion. = $19 billion."   Section 4. "The case for prevention: alcohol" notes "The annual tangible net cost to the Australian community from harmful drinking is estimated to be almost $11 billion."