First National Preventive Health Research Programme YELP Holistic First Business Plan YELP Holistic First Business Plan Defined Terms SWOT Analysis Executive Summary Deliverables And Costs Snapshot Page To 10 Benchmark Techniques Defined Terms for Five YELP Business Plans Second National Preventive Health Research Programme First BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenagers Show Choir Programme Defined Terms BTSCP Second BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenagers Symphony Orchestras Programme Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme Third BTAAP Business Plan Bohemian Teenager Ballet & Modern Dance Programme Defined Terms BTB&MDCP Exercise means regular physical activity which is a vital part of effective weight management by burning excess calories that otherwise would be stored as fat. Exercise also helps prevent many diseases and improves overall health. All food contains calories, and everything you do uses calories. Physical activity burns calories much faster than sleeping, breathing or working at normal heart beat rate. Vital to successful weight management and improved overall health is making physical exercise a part of daily or weekly routine. Australian National Physical Activity Guidelines for Adults prescribes at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, preferably all days. Regular exercise can help prevent: * Heart disease and stroke - (i) strengthen your heart muscle; (ii) lower your blood pressure; (iii) raise your HDL ("good" cholesterol) and lowering LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol); (iv) improve blood flow; and (v) increase your heart’s working capacity. * Obesity; * High blood pressure Hypertension. * Back Pain by increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility and posture. * Osteoporosis by promoting bone formation and may prevent forms of bone loss associated with ageing. * Depression, anxiety and lethargy. There are two types of strengthening exercise — isometric and isotonic: 1. Isometric exercise is a system of physical exercises in which muscles are caused to act against each other or against a fixed object. 2. Isotonic exercises involve moving your joints - similar to mobility exercises which strengthen the muscles especially if performed in water, which offers some resistance. Cardiovascular exercises are endurance exercises which increase your overall fitness by improving your heart and lung function as well as circulation. The most beneficial exercises are often simply walking, cycling and swimming. These work to strengthen muscle groups and improve cardiovascular fitness while minimising the impact on your joints. All forms of exercise burn calories. However, for many people, enjoyable exercise is more enticing than household chores, yard work, or work-related tasks, jumping on a treadmill or walking around the same neighbourhood block walked around many times before. If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities such as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning at a slow pace will allow you to become physically fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can gradually do more strenuous activity.
Research (ie. A Little Regular Exercise Extends Men's Lives, Sedentary life 'speeds up ageing') consistently shows that regular physical exercise - (a) combined with healthy eating, is the most efficient and healthful way to control weight; (b) can reduce risk of several diseases and conditions; (c) improve overall quality and duration of life; and (d) by most inactive people, can achieve greatest overall health benefits from * 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise 3 or more times per week; and * anaerobic exercise (ie. muscle building/strengthening activity and stretching twice a week). |