Defined Terms

Corporal Punishment Is Administered  or  Administered Corporal Punishment  means as evidenced in Solution To Reduce Prison Populations by adopting the age-long 'Parent Punishing a Child in the Home' Philosophy observing the Four Gears of Early Rehabilitation and Release by initially inflicting the Number Of Punishment Strokes Proposed In The Pilot Stage Of The Re-introduction Of Corporal Punishment in Australia for Non-Murderous Crimes and for Suitable Male Criminals, whereupon jail incarceration would not be a Punishment, but Tailored To Rehabilitation.

Solution To Reduce Prison Populations draws on the successful Corporal Punishments  Sentenced in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei and Texas Justice Reinvestment in particular Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses.


Rehabilitation draws on -

*        Incarceration Practices based on the Restorative Justice Model Successfully Adopted in Scandinavia since the late 20th century; and

*        'first hand' knowledge of Recognised Australian Punishment Historians.



