Defined Terms

Corporal Punishment -

a)       involves the infliction of physical pain upon a person’s body as punishment for a crime or infraction;

b)       has included flogging, beating, branding, mutilation, blinding, and the use of the stock and pillory; and

b)       has been to deter -

           *       a convicted offender from similarly reoffending; and

           *       others similarly inclined from likewise offending. 

After the determination of any appeals, prescribed Corporal Punishment under Thinking Outside the Cell should be administered swiftly, be frightening and painful, whereupon Rehabilitation back into the community should then commence.



History of whipping as a criminal punishment in Australia
- Griffith University -  Research Brief 21

corpun  -  World Corporal Punishment Research

Singapore: Judicial and prison caning

Eric Wildman, 1950s crusader for corporal punishment

Judicial and prison corporal punishment in Britain

Parent Punishing a Child in the Home' Philosophy

Judicial Corporal Punishment Previously Sentenced In Australia

Corporal Punishment in Malaysia and Singapore

Judicial Corporal Punishment of minors chronicled in four Australian newspaper articles all published in May 1956 - 64 years ago

Corporal Punishment Is Administered

History of Capital and Corporal Punishment globally

An Infliction Of Corporal Punishment Prior To Execution

Noble Ambitions for Desisting Corporal Punishment in South Australia

Swift, Frightening and a Painful Dose of Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment in the UK.

Crime and Punishment - The Story of Corporal Punishment - BBC Four - Timeshift - 15 Mar '18



