1305/12 Glen St,
Milsons Point NSW 2061

0434 715.861

3 September 2017

 Insert the enclosed DVD in a Windows PC which will open at this LetterToNSWRoadsMinister_3-Sept-17.htm
If using a MAC or the enclosed USB stick drive, open this letter at MotorBikes\LetterToNSWRoadsMinister_3-Sept-17.htm

NSW Roads Minister
Ms. Melinda Pavey
GPO Box 5341. 




Dear Ms. Pavey


1.     Four YouTube's of motor bikers (listed further below) on the Old Pacific Highway (north of Cowan) evidence that police patrols are ineffective in deterring -

        *        dangerous motor bike driving; and

        *        some motor bikes breaching exhaust noise emission levels


2.     The NSW policy of providing overt warning signs of an upcoming speed detection camera conveys a subliminal message to a not insignificant number of motorists:
                   “You can break the speed limit, because the RMS or the police warn you to slow down when there is a speed camera ahead?”

3.    The annual cost of road accidents in Australia equates to a $1,095 impost upon each Australian; presently not distributed on a risk-weighted basis according to the propensity for individual drivers to cause motor vehicle accidents

4.    The NSW Roads Minister, Melinda Pavey, should obtain approval for the NSW Police Commissioner to embark on a programme to reduce the state’s annual road toll by say 5% within 12 months by following the lead of Vic, Qld, SA and WA (and most of the Western world) and -

         *        deploy discrete/hidden mobile speed cameras in unmarked cars, or in nearby bushland, with operators dressed in plain clothes; and

         *        not display any warning signs at fixed speed cameras, except in school zones

I invite you to click on my Letter to the NSW Police Minister dated 3 September 2017 which is self-explanatory. 

I welcome meeting with any representative of the NSW Police or the Minister for Roads regarding the contents of my above letter, because road cyclists that used to frequent The Pie in the Sky Cafe whilst riding to and from Mt White are by necessity staying away in droves for fear of life.  Present remedies to address this dangerous behaviour are ‘police-resource costly’ and not achieving results.

Yours sincerely

Philip Johnston aka  Bank Teller