Letter to Federal Treasurer, Jim Chalmers - 7 Sept 2022 Letters to Alan Kirkland (CHOICE) and three financial journalists - 26 Sept 2022 Two Exceedingly Costly Interest Charging Practices Defined Terms and DocumentsRBA Review ‑ Terms of ReferenceThe Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is designed to ensure that Australia’s monetary policy arrangements and the operations of the Bank continue to support strong macroeconomic outcomes for Australia in a complex and continuously evolving landscape.
1.1. The RBA’s objectives, as outlined in the Reserve Bank Act (1959) and in the Statement on the Conduct of Monetary Policy, including the continued appropriateness of the inflation targeting framework. 1.2. The interaction of monetary policy with fiscal and macroprudential policy, including during crises and when monetary policy space is limited. 1.2.1. This will include Australia’s macroprudential governance arrangements, but exclude APRA's statutory role or functions.
2.1. Its performance in meeting its objectives, including its choice of policy tools, policy implementation, policy communication, and how trade‑offs between different objectives have been managed. 2.2. Its governance (including Board structure, experiences and expertise, composition and the appointments process) and accountability arrangements. 2.3. Its culture, management and recruitment processes.