Executive Summary   Senex Programme Format  New Old Parliament Senex's Political Panel  Senex Programmes  Seven Goals Of Senex  Defined Terms and Documents 

5 Ronald Ave,  Freshwater  NSW  2096

0434 715.861

17 February 2014


GetUp! Australia 
PO Box A105 
Sydney South, NSW, 1235


Mr. Iain Walker
Executive Director
newDemocracy Foundation
PO Box R418
Royal Exchange  NSW  1225

Dear Iain  

The most important elements for a new weekly TV panel show, Senex -

1.         Product

2.         Personnel

3.         Website

I refer to -

i)          my CD letter to Mr. Luca Belgiorno-Nettis dated 6 Nov 2011;

ii)         your 'phone call with me on 9 Jan '12; and

iii)        my First Letter to Iain Walker dated 9 Jan 2012 which informed that my latest Letter to Lindsay Tanner dated 14 Dec 2011 mentions the three below recent embellishments to Senex and summarised the various stages of Senex's development

  1.     Senex subtitled Power To The People because the Senex Website 'empowers the people'

  2.     Senex's Parliament Would Always Mirror The Current Federal Parliament

  3.     John Lennon's Power To The People and The Beatles 'We Can Work It Outideal theme music.

This Second Letter to Iain Walker dated 25 Feb 2012 -

*          encloses three DVDs of Senex as at 27 Feb 2012 that will auto-open at this letter on a PC using a Windows operating system (If using a MAC, it is necessary to open this file at Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Program/Senex/newDemocracy/Letter_to_I_W_27-Feb-12.htm); and

*          improves poor formatting of some of the pages in Senex, in particular Seven Goals Of Senex and Senex's Political Panel, which looked fine in my old web publisher, FrontPage, but not in IE.


1.          Product

A meritworthy current affairs programme"6:30pm with George Negus" which strove "to provide a contextual understanding of the days news events", anchored by a doyen of news reporters, was axed by Channel 10 five months ago.  Hence, Senex must deliver a highly controversial Presenter's Policy Proposal each week that will -

  1. enthuse tens of thousands of Interested Senex Viewers, from amongst Senex's Viewing Audience, to cast any, or all, of Senex's Four Types Of Viewer Voting on the Senex Website; and

  2. generate material news media interest,

in order that, 'inter alia', Senex achieves sufficient television ratings to justify retention. 

Senex Philanthropy Service Movement overhead costs would be limited to -

i)         out-of-pocket expenses (capped at $500 per head pa.) claimed by some, or all, of the -

            *        six members of the Assembly of Elders; and

            *        eight Lobbyists,

ii)        employment contracts of the Compere and the Political Interviewer; and

iii)       development/administration of the Senex Website.

These relatively low costs would unlikely impact on Senex's tenure, although the ABC may be prepared to exhibit patience under its Charter, in particular 1(a) and 2(a)(i), (iii)(iv) and (v) therein.

It would be difficult to forecast -

i)          how many Submissions are registered on the Senex Website (within say 6 weeks of launch) by Submitters that are -

            *        escalated by Lobbyists to Selected Submissions; and

            *        further escalated to Approved Selected Submissions, or

ii)         which of the Five Categories of New Policy Submissions is most popular and which is least supported which would all impact on 'Product'. 


Obviously, delivering controversial 'Product' each week would be easier, if the Senex Website is inundated with high quality Submissions by Submitters from Interested Senex Viewers from amongst Senex's Viewer Audience.   

The Writer opines that -

a)        there are a lot of Australians who initially received support from Government or Bureaucracy (the Writer received initial encouragement from the National Preventive Health Taskforce for Two 'Submissions' For 60 Minute 'Pilot' Senex Programmes), but ultimately hit Bureaucratic Brick Walls (without, in the case of the Writer, any explanation from the Chair of the Taskforce or another of its members that had previously supported him); and

b)        presentation of Approved Selected Submissions that are robust, and should not have been ignored by Government or Bureaucracy will evidence the largest Presenter Policy Votes and public controversy; and

c)        alas 'Media Reaction' will often focus on members of the Opposition in the Assembly Of Elders that did not vote 'along party lines' on a Presenter's  Policy Proposal and therefore cast as 'defectors', rather than 'Media Reaction' highlighting the benefits of the Presenter's  Policy Proposal.       .

The initial four of the Five Categories of New Policy Submissions provide highly controversial Policy Proposals, none more so than the first of two Contentious Thought Provoker where the -

I.         Reserve Bank of Australia has abrogated its obligations under The Reserve Bank Act 1959, as amended to ensure the payments system "is directed to the greatest advantage of the people of Australia and that the powers of the Bank ... are exercised in such a manner as ...........................will best contribute to...............the economic prosperity and welfare of the people of Australia" by the RBA not remaining 'at arm's length' from the commercial banks that the RBA is chartered to supervise by -

            (A)      condoning the Have Nots, namely late teens and adults from amongst nearly half of the Australian population that possess either level 1 (the lowest level) or level 2 literacy and numeracy skills, both of which are below the minimum level deemed necessary to participate in a knowledge-based economy as ascribed by the Productivity Commission, providing the vast majority of the profits that Australian banks derive from the credit card system;

            (B)      condoning the vast majority of The Haves, paying precious little, if at all, of the material costs of the credit card system, despite The Haves being extensive users of the credit card system; and

            (C)      not 'capping' interest rates on credit cards - too many are 18.99% for 'Purchases' and 21.74% for 'Cash Advances' (RBA Official Rate is 4.25% pa.) when the RBA has regulated -

                       *          pricing on the 'wholesale supply side'; and

                       *          the Official Cash Rate; and

II.        Australian Securities and Investments Commission has failed to protect the afore-mentioned Have Nots (consumers who use credit cards) against predatory actions and unfair charges/costs by banks that 'quietly/discretely' pay websites administered in the US (eg www.australia.creditcards.com) and Australia to patently misrepresent hidden costs when these websites purport to be anti-banks recommending the 'best' credit cards.  These websites are being paid by these banks to deceive, which is patent fraud.  (A lot worse went on in the US prior to the GFC).  ASIC is responsible to ensure that fairness to the consumer is utmost.  ASIC is obligated to regulate credit card companies to offer only suitable credit to consumers, and to be certain that what they offer can be repaid by consumers.  Yet Contentious Thought Provoker, in particular the Writer's letter to the RBA dated 8 Dec 11 (provided on 3 CD copies to the RBA), establishes that ASIC has failed the consumers it is chartered to protect. 


In order to further evidence the policy 'delivery efficiencies' of the Senex 'Product', Senex must be delivered 52 weeks a year, year in and year out, regardless of TV rating periods. 


2.          Personnel

Naturally, top quality 'Product' cannot be delivered, week in and week out, without committed and talented 'Personnel'.  The Writer knows three colleagues/friends who would make ideal Lobbyists:

  • a recently retired chairman of one of the largest law firms in Australia.

  • a head of equities research who has worked for Macquarie Bank for most of his career and is soon to retire.

  • a recently retired chartered accountant who is astute and a keen student of politics.

3.         Website

The importance of the Senex Website cannot be overstated.  Its capacity to give a voice to the people on 'new policy', within a user-friendly, thorough and intuitive structure, will make, or break, Senex.

It has to enable Interested Senex Viewers from amongst Senex's Viewer Audience to -

(i)         cast one or more of Senex's Four Types Of Votes on the Senex Website to achieve the 1st.  2nd. 3rd. and 4th. of the Seven Goals Of Senex;

(ii)        learn in 'About Senex' more about why Senex will -
 *        improve Government & Bureaucracy 'acting in the best interests of the people'; and
 *        enable all people to have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives - the basis of Democracy;

(iii)       register a Submission for consideration as a Selected Submission and an Approved Selected Submission for a Policy Presenter to present their Policy Proposal on a future Senex Programme;

(iv)       review each Policy Presenter's  Policy Proposal previously analysed on a Senex Programme, as well as providing substantive additional background material;

(v)        review how Senex's Assembly of Elders voted on each Policy Presenter's  Motion or Policy Presenter's  Bill Before A Parliament for each Debatable Government Opportunity, Issues or Problem previously analysed on a Senex Programme;

(vi)       nominate an Interested Lower House Candidate or an Interested Upper House Candidate on the Senex Website to be poled for a short list of Pre-Selected Candidates; and

(vii)      nominate to be a Lobbyist and contribute in the Submission Review Process as explained in point 2. of Senex Philanthropy Service Movement.

Re (i) above, facilitating the 4th of Senex's Four Types Of Votes, namely the Political Leader's Pole Vote (ascribes a Political Leader Behaviour Ranking) on any of Our Political Leaders during the term of our Federal and State governments, will require the greatest research, creativity and enterprise in order to surpass Existing Political Polling Research by  -

+         establishing the Senex Website as the paramount Opinion Polling database for future elections

+         with voter patterns directly correlated to Our Political Leader's treatment of current issues - objectively presented by Senex's  Political Analyst

+         across a wide variety of behavioural measurement constraints. 


Thoroughly understanding Existing Political Polling Research, and their respective methodologies, is fundamental to surpassing 'the competition'.


NB:      During his former career at CBA, the Writer executed a lot of CAs (Confidentiality Agreements) when he received an Information Memorandum from the likes of Macquarie Bank, Investec, Rothschilds, Merrill Lynch, a 'Pillar Bank' etc. that was keen to attract banks to provide debt to a new infrastructure project that one of these banks was seeking to 'arrange'.   The Writer wants Senex to be produced by ABC1 and would execute a CA if that may facilitate that pursuit. 


            Seemingly there is only one TV network in the world that enjoys such a liberal Charter, and the associated inquisitorial licence for investigative journalism, to deliver Senex.  Australia is a Lucky Country to have our ABC.

Yours sincerely  

Phil Johnston
Ride Organiser and President Muggaccinos Bicycle User Group and administrator of KOMpm.co