Miner (Mussolini) 'n  Maureen


Seemingly, Kerry is suffering illusions of grandeur in his dotage years.  No longer working in the mining industry, Kerry now shuns the temperate reporting of the ABC and The Guardian Newspaper, but rather professes the same ideology as the late Benito Mussolini, who caused so much pain and havoc leading up to and during WW2.  Kerry is the antithesis of a socialist.  He holds far-right ideologies, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society. A Fascist does not understand 'Democracy' and 'the collective will of the people'.



Four quotes from Benito Mussolini the Fascist.

  • ll within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. ...

  • War is to man what maternity is to a woman. ...

  • It's good to trust others but, not to do so is much better. ...

  • Let us have a dagger between our teeth, a bomb in our hands, and an infinite scorn in our hearts.

Kerry with Martin aka Architect and Eric aka PapaBear at PitS.

Tim is a consulting mining engineer in the booming mining industry, who works ostensibly from home when not in the field.  Hence, he can often find a few hours mid-week to clock up some Ks, as Samurai 'et al' circa A.A.C. contenders experienced.

Kerry, having passed thru the Blue Finish Line (back up the slope) rolling to demount around 6:15pm - Jan 2007

With his inaugural 200km A.A.C. all done, celebrating with Maureen and son Tim at the Howitt Park finish


Maureen, Tim, TJ and Kerry climbing out of Akuna Bay in July '07 on a day that just wouldn't warm-up

Above pic shows the cobblestone surface up Vršič Pass

LH pic shows Maureen well proud of herself after scaling the 50 hairpin bends described below.

From Bovec a road leads north over the Vršič Pass to Kranjska Gora. The first part of the route follows the Soča River to Trenta, where there is an information centre for Triglav National Park. The marked Soča Trail allows you to visit the sites of interest in this part of the valley without having to walk on the road. One of these sites is the Alpinum Julijana, a botanical garden displaying both Alpine and Mediterranean flora. I found it a little disappointing, perhaps autumn is not the best time to visit. Just upstream from the garden a short detour leads to the Mlinarica Chute, where a tributary river emerges from a narrow gorge to join the Soča. Continuing northwards you will reach the monument to Julius Kugy, a climber who helped to draw attention to the beauty of this part of the alps. Near the statue a track heads northwest to the source of the Soča (Izvir Soče), where the stream emerges from a cave and immediately hurls itself over a waterfall. The last part of the trail is quite tricky if the rocks are wet after recent rain.

After Trenta the serious climbing starts; 50 hairpin bends later you arrive at the summit of the Vršič Pass (1611) where you can enjoy wonderful views. Or not, as the case may be: all I could see was thick cloud. If you have both suitable equipment and suitable weather, a number of high-level hikes start from the Tičarjev Dom mountain hut at the pass. The road continues down another 50 or so switchbacks to Kranjska Gora.

Kugy Monument, Vršič Pass

The triumvirate of Miner 'n Maureen and PapaBear conquering the highest peak in the Pyrenees, Col du Tourmalet, in mid-August 2016