Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Youthful Exuberance Theme means Youthful Exuberance is the ideal 'Hot Button' to instil confidence within Interested Adults from all socio-economic groups, Abled, Disabled and Disadvantaged, be they in good physical and mental health or poor mental and/or physical health, that they can "draw back on" ("tap back into") the intuitive skills they previously learnt, from around age 3 to 11 years of age, to be confident of re-introducing outdoor exercise to Materially Alter Lifestyle by commencing a REA within a Local District Recreational Exercise Group because they recall inquisitively and confidently exploring the great outdoors, many years ago with neighbourhood childhood friends. 

The generic Preventive Health theme of Wellness Programme doesn't hit a 'Hot Button' in the psyche of potential Interested Adults, because it doesn't instil in them that they can recapture the health and fitness they once enjoyed/experienced during their Youthful Exuberance.

Section 4.(b) notes that for all but the last scintilla of humans' 2.3m years occupation on terra firma, over 99% of humans burned many more kilojoules than current humans' present Lifestyle Behaviour.  If humans did not hunt, till fields or gather fields, they starved to death.  A lot of hunting was done by running down animals that were faster over short distances but didn't possess the endurance of man "the hunter".  Or humans farmed to grow crops which was highly labour intensive or gathered as many birds and animals do today. 

Consequently, humans -

a)        were exceedingly fit or they died; and

b)        humans needed to have the confidence and experience to extend their boundaries.

Explained in Youthful Exuberance and Youthful Exuberance Growth Phase.  

See also Mission Australia's 'Insights into the concerns of young Australians' released 20 July 2010.