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Annexure C (i)(b)    

Priority F4: Embedding the principle of prevention and early intervention into Government Service delivery in NSW

There is a growing body of international evidence spanning social, economic and environmental areas which suggests that acting to prevent a problem from arising or taking action early in the life cycle of a problem is an extremely powerful mechanism for generating improved outcomes for individuals, communities or populations, or the environment in which we live.

Prevention and early intervention programs can have benefits at all life stages, for all members of the community, and across a wide range of different areas. It can play an integral role in tackling social disadvantage as well as a range of other issues, such as environmental degradation.

Prevention and early intervention initiatives can be applied by everyone in a range of situations - by government, businesses, not-for-profit organisations and individuals. Most individuals and communities have the capacity to help themselves by adopting prevention and early intervention approaches. Governments - Commonwealth, State and Local - have a role in guiding and facilitating change, and in providing support when it is needed.

To embed the principle of early intervention into the core workings of government we need to do two things:

  1. establish a sound prevention and early intervention policy framework to guide policy-makers, program designers and decision-makers

  2. shift resources to support prevention and early intervention within our Government agencies.


Produce the policy framework for early intervention by the end of 2006/2007 and benchmark and set targets for agency performance by no later than 2008/2009.


A prevention and early intervention policy framework to guide policy-makers, program designers and decision-makers is expected to be finalised in the near future. The Government recognises that effective collaboration with stakeholders is vital in applying successful prevention and early intervention approaches, and the Government will commence discussions shortly with stakeholders on this and other issues. Further updates on the framework will be reported here as soon as they are available.

Date Modified:20-Jul-2007