KOM Information Memorandum KOM Defined Terms KOM Challenge Series Calendar and Event Costs to 2012 KOM Summary Bullet Points KOM SWOT Analysis Section 13B(f)(i) Event Organiser's experience in assisting vision impaired Cyclists ride Tandems
The Event Organiser has cycled with 8 vision impaired cyclists. On over 20 days, those rides have been >100km.
Any inconvenience to pick-up for example a vision impaired person and cycle a Tandem as their Pilot on a 100km+ recreational bicycle ride and drop the vision impaired person back home is greatly outweighed by the enhanced QOL for, not only the vision impaired person, but also the rest of the ride group.
Chatting at Nosh Stops located at Greater Sydney's satellite outposts, with someone less fortunate than themselves can be a sobering and beneficially educating encounter for the ride group.
Disabled people generally possess great courage, and their determination to overcome rubs off on the rest of the ride group. Human beings are born with 5 classical senses - sight, hearing, taste touch and feeling. Ample empirical evidence exists that when one or more of those senses is materially diminished affected humans can over-work their other senses to compensate. The Event Organiser has evidenced it first hand with blind cyclists on the back of Tandems he has ridden as Pilot, where their sense of hearing and balance are superior to his own. The Annual KOM Challenge Series will enable lots of Disabled folk who are presently clamouring for an opportunity to over-work other senses to enhance their QOL. |