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Section 13(B)(a)(iii)

The esteemed "Mayo Clinic Proceedings" medical journal for Dec 2006 published the findings of research into the behavioural patters of 6,958 men and women who entered the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in the mid-1960s and concluded that "Optimists may enjoy longer lives than people with a dimmer outlook on the future"

            "Optimists are less likely to suffer from Depression than are pessimists, which could, in turn, affect their physical health. They may also maintain a healthier lifestyle, paying more attention to their diet and exercise habits." 

The Mayo Clinic published an even longer report that optimists suffering head, neck and thyroid cancers experience a higher QOL (Quality of Life) than pessimists

A committed endurance cyclist wouldn't have to read 15 pages of empirical evidence of the behavioural patterns of 6,958 adults over 40 years, or case studies of suffers of head, neck and thyroid cancers, to know that giving the body and brain a regular does of aerobic exercise under a collegiate environment elevates their esteem and better equips them to enjoy life more, live longer and better handle life's difficult problems that from time to time beset us all.  It is difficult to be depressed if you are on top of the world from successful athletic achievement.