Second National Preventive Health Research Programme     Defined Terms - Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestra Programme    Bohemian Teenager Symphony Orchestras Programme

Bohemian Cultural Flavour means -

(a)        encouraging, through playing orchestral music from classical to hip-hop, with Symphony Orchestra Instruments under the regimented disciplines of any large, successful, Well-Balanced Symphony Orchestra; and

(b)        thereby epitomising the word Bohemian by expressing unorthodox social viewpoints, unconventional appearance/behaviour, a strong interest in The Performing Arts, with little regard for high GHGs emitting Economic Materialism.

The Second National Preventive Health Programme has deliberately adopted a Bohemian Cultural Flavour because unlike the Venezuela Model it seeks to attract teenagers, and the word Bohemian will best attract the target audience to achieve the Four Purposes

The nomenclature Bohemian better imbues the sentiment necessary to achieve ii) of the Four Purposes.