67 Coronga Crescent
Killara  NSW 2071
9513.9532 work ph
0404 014.725 mob
9498.3684 home ph

22 September 2006

The Marketing Manager                                             

Saeco Australia Pty Ltd            (03) 9462.4949
6/87 Newlands Road
                                            (03) 9462.4955

Reservoir Victoria 3073

Dear Sir

*          Invitation for Saeco Australia to –

(i)         build upon extensive exposure Saeco has gained through sponsoring international cycling

(ii)        create a niche in the burgeoning recreational bicycle sport in Australia

(iii)       benefit from cyclists penchant with visiting cafes, by releasing a distinctive red Saeco club jersey with an initial order of 75 jerseys purchased by www.Muggaccinos.com

*          When Muggaccinos' cyclists visit over 50 different cafés on Sunday rides in Sydney, wearing Saeco jerseys, a seasoned cyclist would distribute a Saeco marketing card to the café

*           By promoting a Saeco club jersey on www.Saeco.com.au, up to 20 different bicycle clubs/groups across Australia could be wearing a Saeco club jersey as their club jersey within 2 years

1.         Background

Muggaccinos bicycle group has existed for 10 years.  Its website has >33,000 Hits to the Home Page (counter at bottom Home Page) and many for to ride schedule pages

2.        Why align Saeco coffee equipment with cycling? 

The Australian Financial Review for 6 Jan this year carried a front page heading "Melbourne measures business cycles in lycra " which 'inter alia' contends that cycling has replaced golf ".....in terms of participation. It is not as time-consuming and a bit more collegiate and social".  

Cycling is one of the few sports which is materially growing in numbers with more bicycles sold than automobiles.  The Lance factor due to a record 7 Tour de France victories has particular influenced a resurgence in road cycling.

3.         Saeco is a major name in European cycling

In the 1990's the Saeco cycle team was famous for Mario Cipollini who won 4 consecutive stage wins in the 1999 Tour de France. The Saeco team won the Giro d'Italia in 2003 with Gilberto Simoni, and in 2004 with Damiano Cunego.  The Saeco company didn't prolong that sponsorship for 2005, and that team was merged with the Lampre team, forming Lampre-Caffita.  However, now Saeco Romer's Hausbäckerei AG has become a successful European team with Saeco well-known amongst Australian road cyclists.

4.         Saeco Australia can take advantage of Saeco Romer's international notoriety and create a niche in the burgeoning recreational bicycle sport in Australia, by releasing a red Saeco jersey.  Lots of cycling clubs/groups across Australia would want it as their club jersey due to a coffee theme, provided the price is attractive and their club name appears on their order of Saeco club jerseys


Cyclists who ride with Muggaccinos are proud of their ride group, with some cycling 300km a week.  Cyclists like to wear a jersey which has an international ambience and an association with coffee.  The burgeoning cycle market can assist Saeco Australia market its products across Australia if clubs/groups in some major towns wear a Saeco jersey.  This letter proposes that Muggaccinos be the first cycle group to wear an Australian Saeco jersey which you could also similar encourage say 20 other cycle clubs/group to adopt as their club jersey within 2 years.  There are over 50 cities and towns across Australia with cycling clubs and bicycle groups.

This letter invites you to design a Saeco jersey, with two minor sponsors’ logos, which are local to the ride club group ordering a supply via your website. 

As explained in item 8 below, Saeco Australia could either arrange for the manufacturer of the current Saeco Romer's jersey to produce a jersey for Australian bicycle clubs/groups which didn’t include reference to Romer's, or you could have them produced by an Australian cycle jersey manufacture.

Material synergies exist for a successful road cycle group which has a name identified with coffee to launch a cycle jersey for Australian clubs/groups which is synonymous with coffee, thereby –

(ii)        further aligning Saeco with cycling in Australia, and

(i)         cashing-in on the substantive marketing costs Saeco has expended at very little expense.

As item IX in Annexure C "Benefits to Saeco" notes, I am prepared to assist you source other recreational cycle groups in other cities throughout Australian if you want to embark upon a similar arrangement of cycling clubs/groups which frequent cafes to choose a Saeco team jersey as their club jersey bearing their club name.

5.         Description of an Australian Saeco jersey 

90% of the jersey would be the distinctive Saeco red with the Saeco logo.  Across the top of the back for the initial order of 75 jerseys would be Muggaccinos.com in dark brown.  Across the bottom of the back would be KOMpm.com in black. 

I haven’t approached any shop, however, Hornsby Cycles and Thornleigh Cycles are preferred as –

(A.)       Muggaccinos have purchased bikes from them; and

(B.)       Hornsby is central to Muggaccinos ride starts.

I propose that each jersey also display a small logo of a local cycle shop, and another of the dominant brand the shop sells eg Giant or Trek etc.  That jersey template could then be used by other clubs and ride groups to similar install the logos of their local bike shop and the bike brand it stocks.

6.         A joint Saeco/Muggaccinos marketing card 

Road cyclists are passionate about encouraging more adults, particularly women, into road cycling.  This invitation to you also entails seasoned Muggaccinos cyclists distributing 2,000 marketing cards a year which display ‘inter alia’ a Saeco logo, its 'phone number and website, as well as listing www.muggaccinos.com  – see Annexure “A” “Specification for business card size marketing card” [pg]. 

I would ensure that on upcoming Sunday rides, selected Muggaccinos spokespersons, wearing Saeco jerseys, distributed over the next 12 months marketing cards to each of at least 40 cafés on the outskirts of Sydney.  The remainder, being >1,800 cards, would be distributed to prospective cyclists extolling them to check out www.muggaccinos.com site.

To elaborate, one of the seasoned Muggaccinos cyclists would politely hand over a marketing card to the attendee in cafes and civilly invite them to ‘phone you if they were considering a change of equipment.  Evidencing a café full of well behaved cyclists in discinctive red Saeco jerseys should be a catalyst to motivate some cafés to ‘phone you for a quote.

Our cyclists have made a hit at more than a few of the cafes we visit, such as The Bridge Café, 2/80 George St Windsor and Aldos Pizza

Muggaccinos have gone on 3 or 4 long weekends away each year staying at Bundanoon, Cessnock, Gloucester, Picton, Mittagong, Bowral, Wollombi, Patterson, Dungog, Kiama, Berry, Kangaroo Valley and Jamberoo.  So we could distribute Saeco/Muggaccinos cards at cafes on Nosh Stops on future cycle Weekends Away.

If you favoured it, I would e-mail you each month an updated schedule of:

*           cafes visited

*           visit dates; and

*           name(s) of staff at cafes that marketing cards were given to.

7.         Not all cyclists are welcome at some cafés due to thoughtless behaviour

You may be aware that not all café owners appreciate cyclists visiting their cafes.  I understand why.  Pattisons Patisserie on Mona Vale Rd, St Ives has banned a racing cycle club.

Not unsurprisingly, cyclists who commit the following sins do not endear themselves to most cafes: 

(i)         making too much noise; or

(ii)        chewing their own snack bars in cafés.

Our regular cyclists are on the lookout not to allow rookie cyclists amongst us to commit the above faux pas.   Muggaccinos has never experienced a problem at a café because we don’t commit (i) to (ii) above.   Visiting favourite cafes is a feature of Muggaccinos’ rides.


Annexure “C” [1 pg] lists the11 Benefits to Saeco Australia”.

Should you accept this invitation, I would insert a large Saeco logo at Nosh Stops .  


8.         Quotations to manufacturer 75 jerseys from 4 well-known suppliers

Should you opt to have the same manufacturer of the Saeco Romers jersey supply orders from Australian bicycle clubs/groups (without Romers but with their club name), I would not pay –

*           over $70 for short sleeve; and
*           over $80 for long sleeve.

ProBike is a large wholesaler in EnglandProBike is presently selling the 2005 Saeco Romers jersey for AUD$42.53 plus postage.

Earlier this year I have e-mailed the following manufacturers seeking indicative quotes on an order of 75 jerseys [50 short sleeve and 25 long sleeve] in 4 colours made of their best material.

Netti  Jaggad  Cannibal  Ground Effect   Body Torque and Hot Designs

Enclosed within this letter, and attached by e-mail, are quotes from Netti (Size Chart, Terms & Conditions), Cannibal (Digital Price List), Hot Designs and Body Torque (Art & Design Requirements, FAQ, Client Feedback, Template), together with an Excel file which summarises aggregate cost for an order of 75 jerseys and per jersey costs for the four manufacturers which have provided a quote.  

Should you opt to have the dedicated Saeco jersey manufactured in Australia, Annexure “B” [1 pg] is “5 conditions precedent which must be achieved” to your satisfaction prior to Saeco Australia paying $1,000 for www.Muggaccinos.com” to purchase 75 jerseys.  In short, I outlay full cost of the jerseys, and you don’t pay $1,000 until all 5 conditions are satisfied. 


9.         My credentials 

I have worked for Commonwealth Bank for 30 years.  I presently write credit papers to lend between $20m and $100m for urban infrastructure.  I have an undergraduate degree and a master degree in finance.  I am adept at documenting agreements so that all parties know their rights and obligations.

10.         Risks of the sponsorship 

There are over 30 different risks which a bank evaluates before embarking on a partnership venture.  These include credit, market, professional indemnity/3rd party liability, and reputation risk.  Reputation risk is about the only pertinent risk.  The calibre and track-record of the management associated with any business venture is a high priority.  I invite you to meet a few Muggaccinos cyclists as they are stable individuals.  You could also meet or phone a few of the blind cyclists who appreciate the bonhomie extended to them whilst riding in Muggs’ 100km Sunday rides.  Muggaccinos is 10 years old.  It should be around for at least 10 more.

11.       2nd cycle website for KOM Climbers 

12.       Summary 

I invite Saeco Australia to cash-in on the substantial marketing budget expended by Saeco throughout Europe by sponsoring Muggaccinos cyclists. 

Saeco wouldn’t pay the 2 year $1,000 Major Sponsor once-only fee for 75 Saeco jerseys, plus the cost of 2,000 marketing cards pa, until all 7 conditions precedent in Annexure “B” are achieved.  Saeco would then receive the 11 benefits listed in Annexure “C”. 

In 5 years there could be hundreds of Saeco cycle jerseys worn by recreational cyclists from cycle clubs and bicycle organizations across Australia with their club name on their order of jerseys.  You could also contract a cycle courier company to wear a Saeco jersey.  As the above-mentioned AFR article highlighted, cycling has replaced golf as the social exercise activity to pursue due to increased focus on fitness and its collegiate appeal.  The brand, Saeco, could also be synonymous in Australia with cycling and thereby achieve a material competitive edge over Qualifiers by tapping into a burgeoning leisure and fitness market.  As item X in Annexure “C” notes, I am prepared to assist you source other recreational cycle groups if you wanted to embark upon a similar arrangement in other cities. 

I would appreciate your ‘phone call to me (02) 9513.9532 wk to discuss this offer. 

Yours faithfully 

Phil Johnston
Cycle Group