There has been an increase in new local, team cycle jerseys over recent years, as road cycle groups seek the benefits of identifying with critical mass:

¨             Turramurra Cycles - Peloton

¨             North Sydney Cycle Club

¨             Cyclops

¨             Supreme Cycles - BiciSport

The cost of a good quality 4 colour jersey is inversely proportionate to the initial order, due to the one-off cost of the screening/template/design costs.

An order of 75 or thereabouts for a classy jersey is req’d to achieve a unit cost less than –

*           $85 per short sleeve; and

*           $105 per long sleeve.

This cost can reduce by around $10 a jersey with sponsorship if it prominently features a particular commercial product on the jersey.  Sponsorship also adds a perception of importance.  Many cyclists have big egos, and aren't enamored wearing a local regional jersey.

Nosh Stops lists 20+ reputable coffee brands incl. Vittoria, illy, Lavazza, Segafredo, Mokador, Molinari, Mocapan. 

There is no shortage of potential sponsors for an established cycle group which has a

(i)         coffee theme;

(ii)        colourful website;

(iii)       risqué crew happy to get to know cafe staff and cafe proprietors; and

(iii)       a Hit Counter at the tail of Home Page records over 43,000 hits. The site gets approx double that number of Hits as many visits are via the URL in the weekly e-mail straight to the upcoming Bullsheet.

It should not be difficult for Scribe to induce a Sole Sponsor to pay $1,000, if the sponsor receives the sort of exposure on the Saeco jersey and a prominent logo on our home page for say 2 years, as well as on

Encouraging more cyclists on our rides, and those cyclists make more Hits, would also assist.  An impressive jersey featuring a national coffee brand on the front and and appearing on the back, should also facilitate publicising Muggaccinos. 

There are about 5 well known cycle jersey manufactures incl  Netti  Jaggad  Ground Effect  Cannibal  Body Torque Cima and Hot Designs.

Websites list stacks of Tour de France and other event team jerseys to review latest styles in jerseys.

Phil Johnston has assembled a list of cyclists who e-mail him or tell him that they will purchase a jersey provided –

(i)         it is made of high quality cycle jersey fabric;

(ii)        it is signed-off by a Working Party and the sponsor;

(iii)       it fits them properly; and

(iv)       costs them $10 less than it cost Phil, and no more than -
           *        $75 for short sleeve; and
           *        $90 for long sleeve

Click on potential purchasers' list which shows 50 jersey orders thus far.  (Most of these names were provided when i wrote the first draft of this page 18 months ago.)

The best way to ensure the jersey you order fits you is to place an existing jersey on your bed, spread it out and measure the width from arm pit to arm pit and also note your height as Tall, Average or Short.

Phil Johnston is prepared to –

A.        underwrite an order of 50 jerseys (outlaying up to $5,000) due to the list of potential purchasers provided (i) to (iv) above are satisfied. 

B.        carry in inventory up to the remaining jerseys for future cyclists.

Phil will approach large Australian coffee company's to sponsor for $1,000 to design a cycle jersey prominently promoting its logo and products.  Synergies exist in Muggaccinos wearing a cycle jersey which promotes coffee.

Phil will also canvas these company's providing 2,000 marketing cards which feature the sponsor's logo and address details, as well as  So that our new jersey can facilitate an expansive marketing campaign for both -

(A)       more Muggaccinos' cyclists climbing more hills; and

(B)       more cafes using our Sole Sponsor's products.

 Phil Johnston aka Scribe

 last updated on 13 August '07                                                          Invitation letter to Saeco


A  B C