Infrastructure NSW website asserts that:

"All major infrastructure investment decisions taken by the NSW Government are required to be supported by a Final Business Case. As the Gateway Coordination Agency responsible for the assurance of infrastructure projects, Infrastructure NSW independently assures the Final Business Cases for Tier 1 (High Profile High Risk) and Tier 2 projects through a Gate 2 Business Case Gateway Review and  prepares the independent Business Case Summaries for eligible projects."

It lists the below projects that do not include the -

i)        CBD and South East Light Rail

ii)       2.7km Newcastle Light Rail

iii)      Leppington triangle land scandal - Federal Govt paid $30m for Sydney Airport's 2nd runway for land valued at $3m, 

iv)      Camellia contaminated land purchase

v)       Passenger services on Spanish built Urbos tram fleet on Inner West Light Rail were shut down due to cracks in the under carriage

vi)      Bureaucratic bungling delayed crucial NSW water infrastructure

The below Infrastructure NSW projects do include Sydney Metro City & Southwest rail that has incurred major cost blowouts and completion delays.




Social housing

Special activation

Sports, arts and culture



