Defined Terms

Thinking Outside the Cell




Adopt the Six P's of Project Progress, namely Plan, Publish, Present, Prototype, Pilot  and Propagate.

Plan involves agreeing a 'final version' of What and further R&D, not limited to either Corrective Services NSW or Corrections Victoria appraising the -

1.        Judicial Corporal Punishment practices observed in three Commonwealth of Nations countries, namely Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei and importantly the appeals processes which are 'defendant lawyer friendly in many U.S. States (in the USA), and abused by many U.S. defence lawyers, as recognised in Financial Facts About the Death Penalty; and

           *        Restorative Justice Model Successfully Adopted in Scandinavia since the late 20th century; and

           *        Texas Justice Reinvestment in particular Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses


2.        Judicial Capital Punishment observed in two Commonwealth of Nations countries in South-East Asia, namely Singapore and Malaysia and Japan after the appeals processes is heard.



See:                     What,   WhenWhere,   WhyHow Much 


