Defined Terms

Seasoned Practitioners at The Coal Face


  1. Dr. Don Weatherburn, director of the Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (referred to in Australia's jail population hits record high after 20-year surge)  refer CRIME AND JUSTICE Bulletin - NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research - Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice Number 143 - August 2010 -"The effect of prison on adult re-offending"

  2. "Keith Hamburger, who formerly ran Queensland’s jail system as the state’s first director general of corrective services..."

  3. "Former NSW director of public prosecutions, Nicholas Cowdrey, is one of those championing justice reinvestment." (referred to in Prisons at breaking point, but Australia is still addicted to incarceration)

  4. Andrew Bushnell is a research fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs and author of The expensive problem with our prisons: Why spending more doesn't make us feel safer  -  8 Aug 2017

  5. Mr John O'Shea, Governor of Cooma jail

  6. Eileen Baldry, a leading criminologist and University of New South Wales deputy vice-chancellor (referred to in Prisons at breaking point, but Australia is still addicted to incarceration)

  7. Former Attorney-General, Greg Smith (referred to in How can governments reduce the number of prisoners that reoffend after release?)

  8. Mick Palmer, former Australian Federal Police Commissioner (referred to in Queensland drug trafficking convictions up 330 per cent in 10 years: report and Queensland's prison policy is 'stupid', says former chief as he calls for drugs rethink)

  9. Megan Williams, a senior research fellow with the University of Western Sydney Indigenous incarceration: turning the tide on colonisation's cruel third act

  10. Mr Dowd, president of prison reform advocacy group Community Justice Coalition (referred to in BOCSAR crime stats boss Don Weatherburn calls for lighter prison sentences)

  11. Sarah Hopkins, a managing solicitor for the Aboriginal Legal Service and chair of Just Reinvest NSW (referred to in BOCSAR crime stats boss Don Weatherburn calls for lighter prison sentences)


  1. Retired Chief Inspector of Prisons in England, Nick Hardwick referred to in What is going wrong with the prison system?


