Defined Terms

Electronic Monitoring Device - Technological Incarceration Project pioneered by the Dean of Swinburne University's Law School in Melbourne

Below are extracts from Internet of incarceration: How AI could put an end to prisons as we know them  -  ABC News  -  14 Aug 2017

"Key points:

New technologies are capable of providing automated surveillance of criminals at a fraction of the expense of human surveillance.

The technology used in these facial recognition cameras could be used to monitor offenders at home  - 

Institute of Criminology website Electronic monitoring in the criminal justice system concludes:

           "The use of electronic monitoring has the potential to improve the cost-effectiveness of correctional programs, provide enhanced opportunities for offender rehabilitation and extend the range of sentences available to the courts."

Dutch prisons view incarceration as a last resort and prefer the use of alternative approaches, such as the use of ankle bracelet monitoring systems, community service, fines and probation. With incarceration rates of less than 10% of convicted offenders, in comparison to 70% in the US, this method has resulted in the overall prison population declining by 27% between 2011 and 2015.29

Modern electronic tags are cheap and effective. In a recent study Rafael Di Tella of Harvard University and Ernesto Schargrodsky of Torcuato Di Tella University compared the effects of electronic tagging versus prison for alleged offenders in Buenos Aires.  Earlier research had failed to deal with the fact that criminals who are tagged are less likely to reoffend than the more dangerous ones who are locked up.  The authors found a way round this. Alleged criminals in Argentina are assigned randomly to judges for pre-trial hearings. Liberal judges are reluctant to hold them in the country’s awful jails, so they often order them to be tagged. So-called mano dura (tough hand) judges prefer to lock them up.  The researchers observed what happened to similar offenders under different regimes.  Only 13% of those who were tagged were later rearrested; for those sent to prison the figure was 22%.


GPS tracking to be expanded to monitor parolees - February 16, 2017 - Qld Govt




