Defined Terms

'Conclusion' of SOCIETY’S RESPONSE TO THE VIOLENT OFFENDER - Australian Institute of Criminology


Below is an extract from the Prelude of the Discussion Paper:

"Below is an extract from the 'Conclusion' of SOCIETY’S RESPONSE TO THE VIOLENT OFFENDER - Australian Institute of Criminology (First published in 1989, subsequently updated) that provided (30 years ago) a prophetic, farsighted forecast of the -

A.     continued reliance on building more and more prisons largely due to Penal Populism that alas has eventuated; and

B.     "....lack systematic information about the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative policies."


"It has long been an article of faith among Australian politicians that there are no votes in prisons.  In the foreseeable future, penal policies appear destined to be dictated not by hard-headed evaluation, but by ill-informed public opinion, by fads, and by political expediency.  Ultimately, it is the Australian taxpayer who will bear the long-term costs of continuing penal programs in the dark. The public and policy-makers alike will lack systematic information about the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative policies.

Thinking Outside the Cell Discussion Paper purposely addresses the "lack (of) systematic information about the efficiency and effectiveness of alternative hard-headed evaluation.... of the long-term costs of continuing penal programs" through modelling (at the end of the Discussion Paper under FORECAST REDUCTION IN  (i) CRIMES COMMITTED,  (ii) INMATES IN JAILS AND  (iii) EXPENDITURE ON THE JUSTICE SYSTEM) the reduction in inter alia the $18.431b expended on Australia's Justice Sector in 2018-19, in particular the $4.416b net operating annual expenditure on Corrective Services in 2018-19, by implementing:  

*      Two recommended changes to Sentencing under criminal law within State and Territory jurisdictions in Australia; and

*      Offer of assisted dying by lethal injection to inmates identified or sentenced Never To Be Released that has been applied in Canada and shortly in Switzerland.


