Bicycle Brake Reaction Distance means the distance a bicycle travels, prior to applying the brakes, whilst a cyclist - • sees a danger ahead; • perceives what it means; • decides on a response; and • instigates that response by applying the brakes. A cyclist who is concentrating will have a Brake Reaction Time of about 2½ seconds to apply his/her brake levers in an emergency situation. By using the Bicycle Brake Stop Calculator, if the cyclist is travelling at 40 km p/h which equates to 11.11 metres p/s, the Bicycle Brake Response Distance would be 27.78m.A Bicycle Brake Reaction Time of 2½ seconds, which has been used in “Guide for the development of bicycle facilities” by the 'American Association of state highway and transportation officials', is the mode Bicycle Brake Reaction Time used in most bicycle modelling.
On a two wheeled vehicle, you cannot jam the brakes on for a 'full' in an
emergency stop.