Defined Terms and Documents       

Credit Cards Regulatory Decisions


September 2016

Revocation of the Standard the ‘Honour All Cards’ Rule in the Visa Credit Card System

Revocation of the Standard the ‘Honour All Cards’ Rule in the Visa Debit and Visa Credit Card Systems and the ‘No Surcharge’ Rule in the Visa Debit System 35KB

Revocation of Standards No.2 Merchant Pricing for Credit Card Purchases

Revocation of Standards No.2 Merchant Pricing for Credit Card Purchases 38KB

May 2016

Reform of Card Payments Regulation – New Standards on Interchange Fees and Net Payments to Issuers, and Surcharging

Legislative Instruments:

Standard No 1 of 2016: The Setting of Interchange Fees in the Designated Credit Card Schemes and Net Payments to Issuers 200KB

Standard No 3 of 2016: Scheme Rules Relating to Merchant Pricing for Credit, Debit and Prepaid Card Transactions 217KB

Regulation Impact Statement 1.10MB

Media Release issued 26 May 2016

October 2015

Designation of Payment Systems

Gazettal Notice: American Express companion cards 342KB

Media Release issued 15 October 2015

December 2014

Variations to the MasterCard and Visa Access Regimes

Gazettal Notice: Variation to Access Regimes for the MasterCard and Visa credit card systems 511KB

Media Release issued 18 December 2014

March 2014

Variations to the MasterCard and Visa Access Regimes

Details-stage Regulation Impact Statement

Payment Card Access Regimes: Conclusions

Media Release issued 7 March 2014

November 2012

Variation to Standards Relating to Merchant Surcharging

Gazettal Notice: Variation to Standards Relating to Merchant Surcharging 263KB

Media Release issued 22 November 2012

June 2012

A Variation to the Surcharging Standards: Final Reforms and Regulation Impact Statement

Gazettal Notice: Variation to Standards Relating to Merchant Surcharging 381KB

Final Reforms and Regulatory Impact Statement

Media Release issued 12 June 2012

December 2008

Variation of Credit Card Interchange Fees Standard

Gazettal Notice: Variation of Interchange Fees Standards [PDF 205K]

Waiver of Requirement to Recalculate Interchange Fee Benchmark

Media Release issued on 10 December 2008

March 2007

Impact of Interchange Standard on Competition between Card Schemes

Media Release issued on 5 March 2007

September 2006

Interchange Fee Benchmark for MasterCard and Visa

Credit Card Benchmark Calculation [PDF 16K]

Media Release issued 29 September 2006

April 2006

Closure of Bankcard Scheme
Variation of Common Credit Card Interchange Standard to remove references to Bankcard Scheme

Gazettal Notice: The Setting of Wholesale (“Interchange”) Fees in the Designated Credit Card Schemes [PDF 93K]

Revocation of Designation of Bankcard Scheme

Gazettal Notices: Designation [PDF 46K], Interchange Standard [PDF 50K], Access Regime [PDF 46K]

Media Release issued on 27 April 2006

November 2005

Common Benchmark for the Setting of Credit Card Interchange Fees

Final Standard and Explanatory Document [PDF 206K]

Gazettal Notices [PDF 200K]

Media Release issued on 25 November 2005

[See also: Initial Consultation, Consultation Document on Draft Charges, Submissions on Draft Standard]

February 2005

Decision on Regulation of American Express and Diners Club

Media Release issued on 24 February 2005

September 2004

Merchant Pricing – American Express

American Express Undertaking

February 2004

Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia – Access Regime

Gazettal Notices – Final Access Regimes:

Bankcard [PDF 28K]

MasterCard [PDF 28K]


Media Release issued on 23 February 2004

July 2003

Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia – Draft Access Regime

Gazettal Notice: Draft Access Regimes [PDF 233K]

Media Release issued on 24 July 2003

Payment Systems (Regulation) Regulations 2003 (Trade Practices Act)

Media Release issued on 1 July 2003

[See also: Responses to revised draft Access Regimes]

August 2002

Standards on Interchange Fees and Merchant Pricing

IV Final Reforms and Regulation Impact Statement

Gazettal Notices:

Bankcard [PDF 228K]

MasterCard [PDF 323K]


Media Release issued on 27 August 2002

April 2001

Designation of Credit Card Schemes in Australia

Gazettal Notices:

Bankcard [PDF 28K]

MasterCard [PDF 29K]


Media Release issued on 12 April 2001