Grounds/Reasons for Written Questions

Chapter 2.        'User Pays Principle' is evident in the price of every commodity in the market place, except Credit Cards

'Supply and Demand' is arguably the most fundamental concept in economics and the foundation of any free enterprise market economy.  The 'User Pays Principle' is the omnipresent pricing mechanism to achieve the most equitable distribution of resources in any such market economy.  It promotes responsibility and accountability and encourages 'Supply'.  'User Pays' occurs when consumers pay the 'full cost' of the goods or services that they consume - if you want to acquire a good or service in the market place, you pay the market price be it petrol, alcohol, groceries, paying the rent, engaging a plumber or visiting the GP.

This deep-seated fundamental of the 'User' paying the market price for a 'good' or 'service' applies in all sectors of any open market economy, even in the banking sector (eg. housing loan, personal loan, corporate loan, syndicated infrastructure loan, overdraft, buying a bank cheque, issuing a personal cheque, buying a money box etc.).  But not Credit Cards. 
