Grounds/Reasons for the Written Questions

Chapter 11.     The Four Pillars announces large profits year after year.  CEO's of the Four Pillars are paid 'phone number salaries' whereas 20 years earlier they were not

Commonwealth Bank remunerated CEO, Ian Narev, $12.3 million for financial year to June 2016 after he received multimillion-dollar share bonuses for the bank's performance in previous years.  CBA's annual report showed the total remuneration for Mr. Narev lifted by more than 50 per cent, from $8 million a year earlier.



"All up, the 12 CBA executives received a total of $52.36m – up 30% from the $40.1m they received last year.  Not bad, given the wages of workers in Australia increased by a record low 2.1% in the same period."


"A bank teller earns an average salary of AU$41,689 per year. For the first five to ten years in this position, salary increases modestly, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay.


In 1989, the CEO, Don Sanders, earned $150,000 pa. which was about five times the average CBA salary.

In 2014, Westpac's then CEO, Gail Kelly’s fixed pay was $3 million for the year to September 30, while she also collected $2.7 million in short-term bonuses in a year Westpac posted a record profit. Ms. Kelly was awarded another $7 million worth of shares as part of a long-term bonus package, increasing her total remuneration to $12.7 million from $9.6 million a year ago.



Chapter  12.

Summary Page re Written Questions and the Grounds/Reasons

Grounds/Reasons  (one document with 21 Chapters)

Grounds/Reasons  (21 separate Chapters)

Written Questions  (one document with Written Questions)

Written Questions  (Individual Written Questions)