Defined Terms and Documents

Credit Score means:

Borrowers are able to access their Credit Scores for free on a new website backed by peer-to-peer lender SocietyOne.

An Australian citizen's Credit Score is a number calculated from information in your Credit Report at a point in time. GetCreditScore features the VedaScore, provided by Veda, Australia`s leading credit bureau.

In Australia, a Credit Score is used by creditors like banks and utility companies.  For example your Credit Score could help lenders determine -

*        whether you can borrow,

*        how much you can borrow, and

*        at what rates.

GetCreditScore features the VedaScore, which is used by hundreds of lenders and credit providers in Australia. The score is dynamic and changes over time. For example if you make an application for credit with a lender, your score may change depending on the nature of the loan and the amount of the loan.

A VedaScore falls in a range between 0 and 1200. The higher your VedaScore, the better your credit profile and the better you may appear to credit providers. Below are the Veda rankings to help you understand your relative position and credit strength against other Australians.

Score                       Ranking

833 to 1200            Excellent

726 to 832              Very good

622 to 725              Good
510 to 621              Average
0 to 509                   Below average

CreditSavvy linked to Experian notes:

Get your free credit score right here.

Credit Scores and credit files are used by banks, lenders and others to make decisions about you. They have the information, but you don't. Until now.

A credit Score is a number that's been calculated from details on your credit file, like loan repayments, credit applications and public records such as bankruptcies. Lenders can use them to assess the risk of lending you money. So, if they think you won't be able to pay a loan back, you won't get approved.

If you have a high Credit Score, you have demonstrated a history of financial responsibility and are considered to be less risky to lend to than someone with a lower score. This could mean getting a better deal and saving money.

In Australia, it is an increasingly popular way of assessing credit applications. So, if that's what the banks see, we think that's what you should see too.

Credit Savvy is committed to helping Australians make smarter financial decisions. We empower people like you with your Experian credit score, credit report card and savvy credit knowledge.



Credit Rating

Credit Report

Black marks mean higher borrowing costs