Defined Terms and Documents       

$3.889 billion circa Purchaser User Pays Fee annually


The Annual Number of Credit or Charge Card Purchases Transactions (Oct '21 - Sept '22) was 3,295,731,984 (3.3 bil) - Worksheet 'CreditCardsSummayData.xlsc' cell B9. sourced from adjoining RBA Excel worksheet cO1hist.xlsx Data

3,295,731,984 (annual number of Credit Card Purchase transactions) x 10 cents fixed fee = $329,573,198.  

3,295,731,984 (annual number of Credit Card Purchase transactions) x $108.73 (ave Purchase transaction amount across all Credit Card Purchases annually) x 0.50% Variable Fee Rate = $1,791,691,917

$329,573,198 + $1,791,691,917  =  $2,121,265,116 Credit Card Purchaser User Pays annual circa fee income

The above User Pays Fee rate would increase each Purchase by "half of 1%" plus 10 cents.  eg. a $50 Purchase would cost a 25 cents variable fee, plus the fixed fee of 10 cents = a 35 cents User Pays Fee for availing the Three Purchase Benefits Of 'Tap And Go'.


Number of Credit/Charge Card Purchase transactions annually- Oct 21 - Sept '22                 3,295,731,984  
Average Purchase amount $108.73 $0.54
Estimated average Purchase amount of 80% of Purchases $55.00 80%
Estimated average Purchase amount of remaining 20% of Purchases $210.00 20%
Proposed Variable Purchase Transaction Fee Rate 0.50%  
Proposed variable Purchase Transaction Fee annual income $1,791,691,917 $1,791,691,917
Proposed fixed Purchase Transaction Fee $0.10  
ProposedfFixed Purchase Transaction Fee annual income $329,573,198  
Proposed Annual Ave. Purchase Transaction Fee Revenue $2,121,265,116  
Estimated Annual    
  $725,061,037 B36*B38*C38*B40
  $263,658,559 B36*C38*B42
  $692,103,717 B36*B39*C39*B40
  $65,914,640 B36*C39*B42
  $1,746,737,952 B48+B52




