Defined Terms and Documents  Credit Card reforms

  • The RBA Credit Card Surcharge Reforms – What You Need To Know
    Today marks the start date for the RBA’s new credit card surcharge reforms, but are they the silver bullet we thought they’d be? March 18 should be remembered as the day the unfair credit card surcharge stopped. Depending on who you ask, it could also signal the emergence of reforms which will do little to […]
  • Credit Card Surcharge Scandals
    Fed up of paying extra simply for using your credit card? 2013 is shaping up to be the year of the consumer as the Reserve Bank scales back credit card surcharges, but will surcharge reforms actually put more money in your pocket? The villain of the credit card world – the surcharge, will be scaled […]
  • Credit Card Reforms: Credit Card Key Fact Sheets
    Understanding how your credit card works is going to be easier with the introduction of credit card key fact sheets. Key points Information about credit cards fees and charges will be presented in an easy to understand standardised manner. Potential card applicants can compare one credit card against other credit card offered by the same […]
  • Credit Card Reforms: No unsolicited credit limit increase offers
    Say goodbye to credit limit increase offers – unless you’re into that sort of thing. Key points Your lender will not be able to contact you offering a credit limit increase unless you first tell them that you want to receive credit limit increase offers. You will have to approach the bank when you think […]
  • Credit Card Reforms: New Credit Card Credit Limit Regulations
    You will not be charged an over-limit fee unless you agree to it first. Key points: You will have more say in the amount of credit you’re initially provided with. You will not be charged an over limit fee unless you have an agreement with your lender. This only applies to credit card contracts approved […]
  • Credit Card Reforms: Changes to the allocation of credit card repayments
    Now, when you pay your credit card bill, the interest charges that cost you more will be paid first the and less expensive charges second. Key points If you are being charged for multiple transactions made on your credit card, the transaction that attracts the highest rate of interest will be paid off first. You […]