From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: 16 February, 2017 11:03 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: FW: I have prepared Written Questions for the Labor Opposition to submit in 'Question Time' in Federal Lower House re Credit Cards that uniquely do not follow the User Pays Principle - to the serious detriment of Australia's "Persistent Revolvers"

Katy / Sharon


My attached Second Letter to Katy Gallagher dated 16 Feb ‘17 explains why I am sending you the other attachments.


I believe that my two below listed detailed documents A. and B. are robust.  However, I seek the communication details of a +55 year old academic (for me to post a CD containing A. and B. below) that is familiar with Statutory / Legislation Law re the RBA to opine for your benefit.


In view of the Labor Party wanting a royal commission into all facets of commercial banks behaviour, this matter is important.


Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: 14 February, 2017 1:58 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: FW: I have prepared Written Questions for the Labor Opposition to submit in 'Question Time' in Federal Lower House re Credit Cards that uniquely do not follow the User Pays Principle - to the serious detriment of Australia's "Persistent Revolvers"


Katy / Sharon


I am re-sending my below email to you for a third time because I have embellished the following section (B) of the Written Question to the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services during Question Time re escalating CEO and Board remuneration:


(B)        single graph that displays the annual financial comparative costs listed in (A) above, together with the movement in the CPI where the CPI for the start date of 30 June 1998 is 1 which represents the CEO’s total remuneration for that financial year.  In each subsequent year, 1 increases according to any increase in total remuneration of the CEO.


It may be that one or more of the Four Pillars might contend that they are unable to calculate the Median Salary of their workforce.


Hence, the merit if now also seeking movements in the CPI relative to the CEO’s first financial year total be included.


The attached amended Attachment 1a contains the above embellishment to (B).


I await a response to my below email sent 6 Feb regarding the considerable R&D that I have expending in producing the below two documents:

  1. 'Grounds/Reasons for the Shadow Minister for Financial Services to submit Written Questions  (re credit card products) to the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services during Question Time in the Lower House of Federal Parliament'
  2. 'Ten Written Questions  (re credit card products) for the Shadow Minister for Financial Services to submit to the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services during Question Time in the Lower House of Federal Parliament'



Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: 06 February, 2017 3:45 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: I have prepared Written Questions for the Labor Opposition to submit in 'Question Time' in Federal Lower House re Credit Cards that uniquely do not follow the User Pays Principle - to the serious detriment of Australia's "Persistent Revolvers"




My first Attachment is my letter to you (PDF - 3 pages) dated 5 Feb 17 which explains that I have undertaken far-reaching R&D into Credit Card Products in Aust, evidencing –

(i)            Unconscionable Conduct (misleading and deceptive conduct, predatory advertising); and

(ii)          usurious interest rates patently targeted at Australians with poor Numeracy and  Literacy skills.

Question Time enables a significant opportunity to “right the wrongs” re “Three Researched Injustices” (explained in my attached letter to you) in the Australian Financial Services Industry, starting with Credit Cards and excessive CEO/Board remuneration.

The reasons why I have provided Attachments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and the below two documents (A. and B.) are explained in my attached Word version of my above PDF version letter to you.

  1. 'Grounds/Reasons for the Shadow Minister for Financial Services to submit Written Questions  (re credit card products) to the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services during Question Time in the Lower House of Federal Parliament'
  2. 'Ten Written Questions  (re credit card products) for the Shadow Minister for Financial Services to submit to the Minister for Revenue and Financial Services during Question Time in the Lower House of Federal Parliament'

My reason for preparing my above listed ‘Written Questions’ and my above listed extensive ‘Grounds/Reasons’ document is to generate increased support for a royal commission into specific aspects of the Financial Services Industry starting with my Item 1. (at bottom of the 1st page of my attached PDF letter to you) namely Credit Cards.  I have also done some investigative work on Item 2. and Item 3. listed at top of my page 2.

My final Attachment is my Master of Applied Finance Degree from Macq Uni dated April 2001.

As explained in my attached letter to you, I await (from your office) communication details of an academic familiar with Legislation/Statutory Law (that has a social conscience for the plight of Australians with only Level 1 and 2 Financial Literacy Skills), so I can post my CD to him/her to report to you re the robustness of A. and B. in my heading in my attached letter to you (re Item 1. – Credit Cards).

If you want to know about what I occupy my time with when not R&Ding social injustices, click on Bank Teller below.



Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: White, Jacob (A. Leigh, MP) []
Sent: 03 February, 2017 1:43 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: I have prepared Written Questions for the Labor Opposition to submit in 'Question Time' in Federal Lower House relating to Credit Cards that uniquely do not follow the User Pays Principle - to the detriment of 'Persistent Revolvers'


Dear Phil,


Thank you for getting in touch with Andrew.


Have you been in touch with Katy Gallagher’s office though? The matters you raise to fall within her shadow portfolio responsibilities.


Kind regards,


Jacob White


Office Manager - the office of Dr Andrew Leigh MP 

Shadow Assistant Treasurer - Federal Member for Fenner

email: - Ph:   02 6247 4396



From: Phil Johnston []
Sent: Friday, 27 January 2017 10:02 AM
To: Leigh, Andrew (MP)
Subject: I have prepared Written Questions for the Labor Opposition to submit in 'Question Time' in Federal Lower House relating to Credit Cards that uniquely do not follow the User Pays Principle - to the detriment of 'Persistent Revolvers'




My 1st Attachment is my letter which explains why I am writing to you.


The reasons why I have provided  Attachments 1, 2, 3, 4 are set out in my attached PDF letter to you.


My reason for preparing my ‘Written Questions’ and my extensive ‘Grounds/Reasons’ document is to generate public disquiet for my first bullet point at bottom of 1st page of my attached PDF letter to you (i.e. Credit cards).  I have also done some investigative work on the 2nd and 3rd bullet points at top of page 2.


I have not previously approached anyone in the Australian Labor Party re my Written Questions.


My final Attachment is my Master of Applied Finance Degree from Macq Uni dated April 2001.


Will you accept a CD from me which contains my Written Questions (re Credit Cards) and my extensive ‘Grounds/Reasons’ R&D document for preparing my Written Questions?




Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861