Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

21 recent reports on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, family violence and sexual assault

'Through Young Black Eyes' - A handbook to protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from the impact of family violence and child abuse - SECRETARIAT OF NATIONAL ABORIGINAL AND ISLANDER CHILD CARE THE NATIONAL PEAK BODY FOR ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - FEBRUARY 2013

Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria (FVPLS Victoria) 2010, Improving accessibility of the legal system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims/survivors of family violence and sexual assault, Policy Paper Series June 2010. FVPLS Victoria, Collingwood.

Cunneen, Chris 2009, Alternative and Improved Responses to Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland Indigenous Communities
Queensland Government Department of Communities, University of NSW Faculty of Law

Council of Australian Government 2009, National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020, Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra

Council of Australian Governments 2011, National framework for protecting Australia’s children 2009–2020: protecting children is everyone’s business: annual report to the Council of Australian Governments 2009–10. Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Canberra

Cripps K & Davis M 2012, Communities working to reduce Indigenous family violence, Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse, Canberra

Cripps, K. and Davis, M 2012, Communities working to reduce Indigenous family violence, Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse Brief 12, Australian
Institute of Criminology.

Cummins, Scott and Scales 2012, Meeting the needs of Aboriginal children and young people In: Report of the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry. Melbourne: Victorian Government: 271-310

Department of Human Services (DHS) 2012, Indigenous Family Violence Primary Prevention Framework, State of Victoria, Department of Human Service, Melbourne.,-families-and-young-people/family-violence/indigenous-family-violence

Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Panel 2010, Report Of The Domestic And Family Violence Death Review Panel, Queensland Government Department of Communities

Farrelly, Terri, & Lumby, Bronwyn, 2009, Family Violence, Help-Seeking & The Close-Knit Aboriginal Community: Lessons For Mainstream Service Provision Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse Sydney 

Indigenous Law Centre 2010, Sexual violence and Indigenous victims: women, children and the criminal justice system. Indigenous Law Centre, Sydney Recent reports on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, family violence and sexual assault Additional reports, along with other research can be found over the page resources and services

Lohoar S. 2012, Safe and supportive Indigenous families and communities for children: a synopsis and critique of Australian research. Child Family
Community Australia, Melbourne

McDonald, Higgins, Valentine and Lamont 2011, Protecting Australia’s children research audit (1995–2010): Final report, The Australian Institute of Family
Studies, Melbourne. O’Brien, W. 2010, Australia’s response to sexualised or sexually abusive behaviours in children and young people. Australian Crime Commission, Canberra 

Office of the Victims of Crime Coordinator 2009, We don’t shoot our wounded: what Aboriginal victims of family violence say about the violence, their access to justice and access to services in the ACT: community report Australian Capital Territory.

Queensland Indigenous Family Violence Prevention Forum, 9 - 10 May 2012, Forum Report Culture And Healing – The Hard Yarns, Central Queensland University, Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research,

Robinson E, Miller R, Price-Robertson R, Carrington A. 2012, Children and their families: best interests case practice model: specialist practice resource.
Victorian Department of Human Services, Melbourne 

Select Committee On Youth Suicides In The Northern Territory, 2012, Gone Too Soon: A Report Into Youth Suicide In The Northern Territory Committee Report March 2012, Legislative Assembly Of The Northern Territory, 11th Assembly

Scott D. 2012, Child protection and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Australian Institute of Family Studies, Canberra

The long history of Aboriginal violence -- Part II - Bennelong Papers  -  May 7, 2013

Western Australia Family and Domestic Violence Unit 2007, Western Australian family and domestic violence action plan 2007–2008. Western Australia Department for Communities, Perth Willis, M. 2011, Non-disclosure of violence in Australian Indigenous communities Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice No. 405 January 2011, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra.

Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage: Key Indicators 2016