Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases or Chronic Diseases means diseases not limited to:

Lifestyle Related Chronic Diseases also bring on Other Personal, Social, Productivity and Environmental Costs.

Chronic Diseases are already a major challenge for Australia’s health and hospital system, and the wider economy.   It is currently estimated that Chronic Diseases:

are responsible for around 80 per cent of the burden of disease and injury  in Australia;

account for around 70 per cent of total health care expenditure;

account for 50 per cent of GP consultations;

are the leading causes of Disability and death in Australia;  and

are associated with around -
    *               5
37,000 person-years loss of participation in full time employment; and

    *      47,000 person years in par t time employment each year.


The burden of Chronic Disease is projected to dramatically increase into the future:                    

  •     Type 2 Diabetes is expected to become the leading cause of burden for males and the second leading cause for females by 2023;

  •      combined spending on cardiovascular and respirator y diseases is projected to be around $40 billion annually by 2032-33;  and

  •     expenditure associated with treating Type 2 Diabetes is projected to increase by 520 per cent between 2002–03 and 2032–33.