Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Duration Of Life or DOL means the tenure of a human life.  Projections of Duration Of Life for humans based on mathematical models have led some researchers to claim that there is no upper limit to life expectancy, and that a life expectancy of 100 will be achieved in the 21st century.

THE COST OF INACTION ON THE SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH REPORT NO. 2/2012 found the most Socially Disadvantaged in Australia are twice as likely to suffer long-term chronic illness as the least disadvantaged, which not only negatively impacts on QOL and DOL, but also on Health Care Costs, Health System Costs and Health Maintenance Costs.

Hence, both QOL and DOL are a function of genetics, parenting, education, wealth and opportunities.

See QOL, Compression Of Morbidity and  "What is QOL?" .