Sent: Saturday, 6 September 2008
11:20 AM
Subject: Five YELP Business Plans - 2 CDs marked "as at 1 Sept '08" posted to you last
Wednesday where all Milestone dates for YELP YELP Holistic First Business Plan
have been deferred one calendar year
Last Wednesday I posted to you a more
recent version of my Five YELP Business Plans under the above
attached covering letter dated
These two CDs and the cases were marked “as at
The reason for bothering you again with a
further updated CD version is because I have now deferred by one calendar year
the dates –
a) of Milestone for the hub Preventive Health programme, namely
the YELP YELP Holistic First Business Plan, and
b) in the associated budget costs and financial modelling in
Excel spreadsheets therein.
Some of these dates are the start date of
* 15 Months Pilot; and
* the associated 9
months Research Programme which involve 50 Volunteers training under a LCCBSG for
the Two Legendary Cycling Challenges for the RTV Promotion involving 3 @ 60
minute RTV Series “Hilly Rides Challenge”.
Last November when I sent my original
submission to Professor Anderson at NHMRC of Australia, I was hopeful of
gaining government interest to commence YELP earlier this year. Hence, my Milestone dates rather ambitiously
commenced during 2008.
However, due to the timetable of the
Preventive Health Taskforce, and the passing of the last 9 months, I have now
deferred the above Milestones one calendar year.
The reason to defer exactly 12 months is
to “dovetail’ the timing for 50 Volunteers in the 9 months Research
Programme to commence training for the Two Legendary Endurance Cycling
Challenges which are integral–
* to prove the
economic value of Hypothesis in the Research Programme to Materially Alter
Lifestyle to enthuse Australians to want to lead a Local Community Healthy Lifestyle
which leaves a small Personal Carbon Footprint because a RREA within a local
DREG which involves a LCCBSG is Fun And Addictive; and
* to gain maximum
positive exposure to millions of Australians through the 3 part RTV Promotion
Series, now scheduled for early 2010, which publicises the success of testing
the Hypothesis amongst 50 Volunteers, half of which were drawn from the
Disadvantaged and the other 25 drawn from a Specific Industry Group.
These two Two Legendary Endurance Cycling
Challenges are infinitely easier “distractionary challenges” than
running a 42km marathon which the 12 volunteer “jogging novices” in
the PBS “Marathon Challenge” successfully completed.
I welcome you letting me know if you do
not receive the two CDs titled “Five YELP Business Plans” marked “as at
9114.6689 0434 715.861
Subject: Five YELP Business Plans with Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme the hub to
"governments, communities, individuals, business and industry all playing
a role"
I refer
to my above attached e-mail sent to you on Sat 2 Aug
Thurs, 21 Aug, I posted 2 CDs to you and
(i) carves out Section 3(a) of the CDs that
I posted to you on 1 August titled “Three Preventive Health Business
Plans”; and
(ii) created a Fourth Business Plan titled Project
"Aussie Green Team"
Accreditation as it also targets
benefits to climate change as well as preventing ill-health whereas the hub
Business plan directly address the terms of reference of the Taskforce.
latest CDs titled “Five YELP Business Plans” more
readily enables your department, and the Taskforce members, to grasp the
primary feature of the hub YELP Holistic First Business Plan, being Youthful
Exuberance Lifestyle Programme, which uses RECs with Eleven Sports
Administration Attributes to perform the Final Three Stages of the Five Basic
Stages of Change that GPs are unable to perform - to the financial detriment of
below is a press release from Anna Bligh and Qld Minister for Health dated
yesterday. I have downloaded
“Advancing Health Action - Making Queenslanders Australia's Healthiest
People” reviewed it, and added it to the other 70+ health programmes and
initiatives in my YELP Holistic First Business Plan.
press release asserts "But to get there, governments, communities,
individuals, business and industry all have a role to play."
YELP is structured as a JV between government and the private
sector under a
benefit to Brand Name and Corporate Social Responsibility of delivering a
project finance transaction to improve the health and QOL of Interested Adults
amongst our 21.6m population to reduce the current >$160 billion annual cost
of Fifteen Problems – led by Recreational Drug Abuse, lack of enjoyable
regular exercise, over reliance on drugs to treat depression etc would be
appealing to the CEOs of Australia’s largest companies.
welcome you letting me know if you haven’t yet received the two CDs
titled “Five YELP Business Plans”.
Phil Johnston
9114.6689 0412 045.224
Sent: Tue Aug 26
The Honourable Anna Bligh
Minister for Health
The Honourable Stephen Robertson
Premier Anna Bligh has launched an all out assault on
five key health challenges, including preventable disease, and has set a goal
to help Queenslanders become
Ms Bligh joined Health Minister Stephen Robertson to launch Advancing Health
Action - Making Queenslanders Australia's Healthiest People in a new phase of
reform that will build on the early achievements of
"It's part of my commitment to look over the horizon and take action
"Our hospitals have made a lot of ground since the State Government
provided unprecedented new funding and initiated widespread reform three years
"The job of building a world-class health system isn't finished and our
five-year Health Action Plan will continue over the next two years to build on
those gains.
"But we must also target our next challenges - challenges that threaten to
wind back a lot of the good work achieved in the past few years to improve our
health services."
Advancing Health Action's challenges are:
• Expanding our health services to treat record numbers of patients;
• Stemming the devastating tide of preventable disease;
• Giving mothers and babies the best start;
• Improving mental health care; and
• Reducing the gap for rural communities and for all indigenous
Ms Bligh said it had been her long-held vision to break the barriers that held
back Queenslanders' health over generations, particularly poor lifestyles and
"I want to see Queenslanders become
"The benefits would be enormous - better run hospitals that aren't
overburdene d by preventable disease, a more productive workforce and a better
performing economy.
"But to get there, governments, communities, individuals, business and
industry all have a role to play."
Mr Robertson said Queensland Health would continue expanding services to
provide better and new forms of treatment in a growing and ageing population.
"In parallel, much of our focus must also be on prevention and gearing our
system so that it steps in early before illnesses become more serious," he
"However, many illnesses - some serious and lifelong - could be prevented
altogether by individuals making the right choices and older Queenslanders
getting regular check-ups.
"For instance,
• Around 4,300 Queenslanders die prematurely every year from preventable
chronic diseases, more than one-third of all deaths and this is growing;
• Compared to other states, Queensland has the highest percentage of men
who smoke (29%) , are overweight or obese (60%) and who don't undertake regular
physical activity (68%);
• One in five Queensland women smoke and nearly 30% don't exercise
• About 206,000 Queenslanders are currently living with type 2 diabetes
through a poor diet and lack of exercise. About 50 new cases are diagnosed
every day. It can potentially cripple someone, rob them of their livelihood and
severely impact on their social and family life. A person with a bad case of
type 2 (preventable) diabetes can spend most of their waking hours on a chair
getting treatment in hospital at a cost of up to $6,000 a day;
• About a decade ago, type 2 diabetes was known only as an adult illness.
Now it's found in
• Queensland has one of the worst rates of heart disease and lung cancer
in Australia, both largely preventable conditions that kill thousands of
Queenslanders every year; and
• More than 1,000 Queenslanders die from prostate and breast cancers each
year. Detecting these cancers early through regular screening would reduce this
Ms Bligh said the good news was Queenslanders could take massive steps towards
reversing these alarming rates.
"And by working together governments, organisations and communities can
help Queenslanders become
"These are the goals my Government has set for itself and we'll be rolling
out a number of initiatives designed to reach them over the next several
Advancing Health Action - Making Queenslanders Australia's Healthiest People
can be viewed at
Contact: Premi er's office 3224 4500
Health Minister's Office: 3234 1190