Community Participation in Government  -  Policy E2


The Australian Greens believe that:

  1. the contribution of diverse groups to the political process is inherently valuable.
  2. ongoing community participation in the making of laws and policy should underpin all government actions.
  3. marginalised groups must be enabled to participate in policy debates.
  4. community participation in decision making should be an ongoing process.
  5. community groups and individuals must be provided with sufficient information to enable meaningful participation.
  6. non-government organisations provide a vital democratic role as advocates and as providers of services.


The Australian Greens want:

  1. community organisations to be able to participate in public debate without fear of retribution.
  2. support and resources for representatives of marginalised groups to participate in consultation processes.
  3. government agencies to take account of the time and money spent by community groups' participation in consultation processes.
  4. governments to provide free and timely information to citizens.


The Australian Greens will:

  1. strengthen Freedom of Information (FOI) laws and exempt community groups and individuals from fees for material gained under FOI.
  2. strengthen whistleblower protection legislation.
  3. increase parliamentary and public scrutiny of government funding programs to enhance transparency and accountability.
  4. support innovative community consultation processes such as citizens' juries and citizens' assemblies.