Ten Green Commandments 1. Thou shall not regard Climate Change as someone else’s problem and accept that thou’s Carbon Footprint and attitude to Climate Change matters. 2. Thou shall provide a clear mandate to all Australian governments to make sometimes difficult decisions to – (a) reduce Australia’s Carbon Footprint irrespective of other countries reluctance to make similar vital decisions;
(b) levy
Individual Carbon Taxes and/or Industry Carbon Taxes upon individual Australians
and/or Australian Companies which - (c) to reduce deforestation globally, and where necessary, compensate foreign countries for maintaining rain forests. 3. Thou shall determine thou own Carbon Footprint and log it on Australia’s Carbon Footprint Register. 4. Thou shall strive to implement both Primary and Secondary Carbon Reducing Lifestyle Behaviours. 5. Thou shall live a Local Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour with a Small Carbon Footprint. 6. Thou shall encourage other Australians to live a Local Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour which leaves a Small Carbon Footprint. 7. Thou shall strive to leave planet Earth in the same or better ecological condition than thou found it.
8. Thou shall not adore -