Government Australian Governments must encourage Australians to hold a perspective of life on Earth that is – (i) Holistic by recognising the interdependence of different facets of modern life on GNP and QOL; (ii) Precautionary of the magnitude of effect of humans’ intervention; (iii) Caring for our fellow man both present and generations to follow; and (iv) Adaptive to change to safeguard future generations. Australian Governments must remind Australians that – (a) our visit to Earth is short; (b) we must ensure that they leave our planet in the same or better ecological condition than they found it. (c) we are obligated to the trillions of Earth’s inhabitants who preceded us to leave sufficient fossil fuels for future inhabitants. Governments must introduce both Individual Carbon Taxes and Industry Carbon Taxes on finite Energy Resources which are – (a) commensurate with the Carbon Footprint; and (b) levied on a user-pay basis. Each Australian politician which advocates remedial Climate Change must declare – (i) their own Carbon Footprint; and (ii) their own strategy to reduce it.
Governments must engender a community involvement which encourages each
to –
(c) not
The Australian Government needs to launch a campaign which energises Australians to want to take carriage of Climate Change as “their problem” and not somebody else’s problem for somebody else to fix. The Green Team Accreditation Campaign will use the community power of sport to unify local groups of Australians. Governments must provide Recreational Exercise Consultants supported by talented marketing acumen and using web based training, to assist their constituents which do not lead a Local Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour to commence a Recreational Exercise Activity. Local Healthy Lifestyle Behaviour needs to be – (i) High on enjoyable, Recreational Exercise Activity within a Common Bond Support Group; and (ii) Low on Carbon Footprint. Governments must apply pressure both within their ambit and in other countries to reduce tropical deforestation which is responsible for about 20% of total annual Carbon Emissions, rendering it second only to fossil fuels in terms of climate impact. Forests play a major role in regulating global temperatures by absorbing heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it in their cell walls. Earth loses more than 18 million acres of forestland every year—an area larger than Ireland—according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The Australian Government, via the United Nations, when necessary, should offer inducements to Second and Third World Countries to reduce deforestation. Australian Governments must reduce the fares on Public Transport, or make Public Transport Free (eliminating the Existing Administrative Cost of Public Transport) to reduce Private Vehicle Transport trips.