Defined Terms For Fourth Business Plan Fourth Business Plan Project "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation Average Australian's Current Carbon Footprint means -
7.7gha is over 3 times the average global Carbon Footprint (2.2 gha), and well beyond the level of what the Earth's atmosphere can regenerate on an annual basis which is an equivalent of about 1.8 gha per person per year. The most significant factor contributing to the Australian Carbon Footprint is CO2 emissions from Fossil Fuels which constitutes approximately half of the total Australian Carbon Footprint. Explained in - * EPA Victoria Ecological Footprint, * Average Australian's Target Carbon Footprint; and * Project "Aussie Green Team" Accreditation. Encouraging Australians to understand their Primary Energy Carbon Contributors and how and why they should seek to reduce them is vital because each Australian leaves a Personal Carbon Footprint which is per capita, one of the largest.