Defined Terms Business Plan Invitation Letter Attachment SWOT Analysis Initial Lifestyle Behaviour Evaluation Of Each Volunteer means for the 9 months Research Programme, the Research Programme Team measuring via - * one Health Assessment Appointment (member prior to the 9 months Research Programme); and * e-Research Techniques in the first of Four Hypothesis Test Reports, the Personal Health And Fitness, Coping Skills, Family Unit Cohesion, Recreational Drug Use and Carbon Footprint of each of the 50 Volunteers.
The following information
for each Volunteer would be entered into the
Purpose Built
Modelling Software
prior to
commencing the Research Programme: Blood type
* Urine
results Lung function Physical examination
results Resting ECG
Cardio vascular results
with full ECG monitoring on a treadmill Estimated
arterial elasticity Fitness
Stress management assessment
Relationship with siblings
Dependence on medications
Carbon Footprint
calculator The clinician in the Research
Programme Team which conducts the
Health Assessment Appointment
A. results (including the blood test results, heart recovery rate, oxygen consumption, blood lactate and glucose levels and body temperature) an dB. aspirations about Positive Lifestyle Changes. * S ome of the above health indicators were sourced from Executive Health Management. sets out possible stress measurement techniques to measure changes in Coping Skills.Further explained in Section 16.(a) and Section 18, definitions of Four Hypothesis Test Reports, Research Programme Brief and Head Consultant's Conditions Precedent To The Pilot |