Defined Terms Business Plan Invitation Letter Attachment SWOT Analysis Cause and Effect Logic means the rational observed in the YELP Business Plan:
1. Firstly, identify adverse
from the Western World's
Lifestyle Behaviour
(which is predicated on
Economic Materialism)
that this business plan seeks to treat and
diminish the adverse Effects. 2. Secondly, determine the Causes of the adverse Effects being the Causes of the Seven Problems. (a) unlike the initial four of the Five Guidance Influences, the 5th Guidance Influence is for the benefit of the party funding the media advertising, and often contrary to the individual and the enviroment; (b) Six Lifestyle Behaviour Influences impair the physical and behavioural attributes acquired during Youthful Exuberance; and (c) Two Traditional Economic Influences have contributed to a high standard of living measured by Economic Materialism, however with commensurately higher GHGs. 3. Thirdly, armed with an understanding of the adverse Effects and what Caused the adverse Effects, this business plan presents a remedy which relies on invoking the Traditional Role of Government to bestow Government to create a 6th Guidance Influence being a Youthful Exuberance Lifestyle Programme to assist the community reduce the adverse Effects from the Six Lifestyle Behaviour Influences.