Wanted: Charming handsome males who don't let their butts sag

This note chronicles that a few of the fairer sex amongst Muggaccinos are becoming a tad peeved at the male chauvinistic theme of this website.  Some of the mis-information, in particular that pathetic indictment to an element of male mediocrity, titled Bicycles are Better than Women, goes beyond the pale.

Perhaps emotions and logic don't always go hand in hand amongst many women.   Nor would a lot of men want them to.   However, passion and rational aren't usually too far afield due to having to deal with the sensitive egos of some males.  And any guy who places a higher precedence on his bike than his women, won't see his slippers parked under the bed of the signatories to this warning note. 

We do, however, share one sentiment with the Scribe, and that is "firm butts count", however, male chivalry, masculine edicate and cordial demeanour also rank highly.

Alas, Scribe didn't get a chance to thank the above dude in the Jayco jersey for posing from his best side, but seemingly a few of the femmes approved.


                    Tornado stretching at Windsor


        Luz Ardiden's butt obsecuring Armstrong

    Heineken Wiseman's Ferry circa '04

Authors include:
        Alana aka Spanner, Annabell, Britney, Karen aka Kaza, Annie aka Oakley
Jan ‘04