Extremist religious sect that pedals soft drugs (Endorphin, Adrenaline and caffeine) comprising ever mounting multitude of masochists. 

Devoutly attend church at parishes in cafés, generally at top of steep hills in Sydney's satellite outposts such as Pie in the Sky Cowan, MtWhite Road Warriors Café, Pig & Whistle in tiny Hamlet of Laird, Sunrise Café Warriewood, Whale Beach Café etc.

Trusty push bike sole mode of transport.  As parishes are often long distances apart, committed parishioners may cycle up to 200km every Sunday to attend devotion.

Much merriment is made, leavened bread devoured and Vats of Vino drunked, when The Flock observes annual Holy Day Weekends at -

(a)          Fitz’s Challenge Canberra in late Oct,

(b)          Audax Alpine Classic from Bright Vic. on Oz Day in late Jan; and

(c)          Annual Linger ‘n Die Pilgrimage in April or Dec.

(d)          Tour de Wiseman's Ferry in April

(e)          Annual King of the Mountain Challenge camping at Berry Showground in Nov

(f)           Tour de Robertson in April

Weekly issue of "The Bullsheet" -

(i)           proclaims locations of services for pending Sunday and forthcoming Holy Days; and 

(ii)          includes The Confessional which lampoons Sinners and Malefactors amongst the previous Sunday's congregation.

The  Flock accepts the Scribe doesn’t allow facts or the truth to stand in way of authentically inscribing the Epistles in the weekly "The Bullsheet".