The Bridge Cafe, Windsor

Linda (LHS in above pic) opened The Bridge Café Windsor in 2004.  The above pic was snapped on her first day of business. After a lot of hard slog, and with business acumen, Linda is the proud owner/manager of the bestest café in Windsor, the favourite of all cycle groups which frequent Macquarie Place Windsor.  A talented barista, Linda uses Grinders coffee.  Sandwiches and cakes are yummy.  As these pics attest, all the girls are easy on the eye.  They are all well-trained by Linda, so your order will be delivered promptly and "according to your order".  

The top pic of several Muggs inside the Bridge Café was snapped on proprietor, Linda's first day on the job in 2004. 
The above pic was snapped on her final day, as Linda, who is 5 mths pregnant, has sold her leasehold to an employee. 
Successfully building up patronage at The Bridge, has been a challenge which she approached with gusto.  A different one now awaits her.

Tyro, Architect 'n Bank Teller - circa Jan '07

Miner and DishPig discussing somethin', with Lawyer in background.

L to R above - Rex aka Pimpernel, Scribe, Neil, David, Pete aka Pacific, Ann aka ToothFairy and Trevor aka Tornado

Pigging-out at The Bridge Café where Pimpernel, Janet & Paul aka TwoPoms, ToothFairy and Pacific Pete had cycled via the late running Sackville Ferry, with DishPig, Scribe and Gene aka Koala Bear had cycled via M2/M7, although Gene, first run back after a long spell had turned around at Riverstone.